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Recreational Sports: Spin Class

Healthy KSC

Healthy KSC advocates and promotes wellness on a holistic level to support the KSC community in making healthy choices for mind, body, and spirit. Healthy KSC provides opportunities and strategies that promote the well-being of faculty and staff by developing, planning, and executing Keene State College’s wellness initiatives and coordinating programs and initiatives with the USNH Wellness Program.

Our Goals

  • Provide leadership, resources, and support to the KSC community regarding individual, family, and worksite health and quality of life.
  • Provide innovative health promotion programming to faculty and staff of Keene State College.
  • Facilitate collaboration among Keene State College, USNH Wellness initiatives, and the greater Keene community.

Current Wellness Programming:

For more information regarding these programs, please contact Karen Crawford at

  • KSC Moves Walking Program
  • Lunch & Learn Wellness Programming
  • Meditation
  • One-on-One Consultations, Fidelity, TIAA-CREF
  • One-on-One Nutrition Consultation, Dietetic Interns
  • Yoga

Wellness Resources:

Tobacco Cessation

Contact Human Resources

Office of Human Resource Management
Keene State College
229 Main Street
Keene, NH 03435-1604

Hours of Operation
8:00am - 5:00pm

Fax: 603-358-2483