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Safety and Security

  1. Overview
  2. Reporting Crimes and Emergencies


The safety of students, faculty, staff, and visitors is a high priority. To effectively prevent, identify, and respond to crime and other incidents, the Department of Campus Safety provides proactive security patrol and services to the College community 24 hours a day, year-round. Officers also provide crime prevention and safety awareness education, programs, and services, and collaborate with on and off campus resources when necessary.

Campus Safety officers have full authority, granted by the University System of New Hampshire, to enforce College policies, and to work closely with the Keene Police Department to investigate, report and resolve criminal incidents. The College actively monitors student activity at off campus locations, and addresses misconduct through the Campus Community Standards System.

Keene State College complies with the “Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act”. Published annually by October 1st each year, the [Campus Crime and Fire Safety Report (Clery Report) [PDF] includes but is not limited to:

  • Policies and contact information for reporting crimes, fires, and other emergencies;
  • Policies and resources for support for incidents of sexual misconduct and relationship violence; Policies and criminal statutes regarding alcohol and other drugs;
  • Crime and fire statistics for the past three years;
  • Procedures for issuing timely warnings and emergency notifications (To register for the KSC Emergency Notification System visit;
  • Information on the College’s daily crime and fire log; Description of residence facilities’ fire safety systems; Emergency response and evacuation procedures; and Missing student notification procedures.

If you have any questions, or would like to request a paper copy of the Clery report, please contact the Department of Campus Safety, at 358-2228, or

Reporting Crimes and Emergencies

All Keene State College community members and guests are encouraged to report emergencies and suspected criminal activity to the Department of Campus Safety immediately, especially when the victim of a crime elects to, or is unable (physically or mentally) to make such a report. Reports can be made in a variety of ways:

  • Call 9-1-1 for any EMERGENCY
  • Call 603-358-2228 (8-2228 from on campus) to reach Campus Safety Dispatch.
  • Activate a blue light phone (strategically placed throughout campus) for a direct connection to Campus Safety.
  • Activate a fire pull station for direct notification of the Keene Fire Department and notification to building occupants. All KSC academic, residential, and office buildings are equipped with pull stations.
  • Appear in person at the Campus Safety Office located in Keddy House, on the corner of Main St. and Wyman Way.
  • Submit a Silent Witness report. This system is not for reporting emergencies, crimes in progress, or filing a crime report as it is not monitored 24 hours a day.

When reporting a crime or emergency:

  • Remain calm.
  • Give the location of the incident to include the building name, room number, or the area name (e.g., Winchester Lot, Fiske Quad, etc.).
  • Identify yourself and give a callback telephone number. Your identity will remain private if you wish; however, it is important we are able to contact you if we need additional information.
  • State the incident you are reporting (e.g., theft, medical emergency, fire, etc.).
  • Describe the scene such as whom, and how many people are there, if medical treatment is being given, a description of involved parties, the involved party’s direction of flight, and other relevant information.
  • Stay on the phone until the dispatcher has recorded all of the information.

When a crime or another serious incident is reported on the main campus:

  • A Campus Safety officer will be dispatched to the caller’s location to render assistance and investigate the incident. The Keene Police or Keene Fire Department may also be dispatched if circumstances dictate.
  • If the responding officer determines the situation presents a significant or imminent danger to the Keene State College community, they will contact the Director of Campus Safety or designee to provide a timely warning to the campus community.
  • The Keene Fire Department responds to all medical emergencies, fires, fire alarms, and hazardous materials incidents along with Campus Safety personnel.
  • Incidents identified as related to Community Living or Maintenance will be referred to the on-duty or on-call personnel in the specific department needed.
  • Reports of all sexual and relationship violence made to a College official, will be referred to the Title IX coordinator regardless of if the reporting party chooses to pursue criminal charges.
Student Handbook – Page 13 of 17

About this Policy

Ownership: Dean of Students
Last Modified: Sep 11, 2024 –
Categories: Student Support
For questions regarding this policy, please contact the policy owner.
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