Alcohol and Other Drug Policies
- The Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy
- Conduct/Disciplinary Action
- Counseling, Treatment, and Rehabilitation Programs
- Guidelines for Beverage Marketing on Campus
The Keene State College community believes that the overall health of its members is dependent on their ability to set standards for alcohol and other drug use, and to live by them in all their affairs. With respect to the use of alcohol and other drugs, it is the position of the Keene State College community that:
- The use of alcohol or other drugs has many clearly identified risks and consequences.
- Everyone should seek to understand when the use of alcohol or other drugs puts them and others at increased risk for health or impairment problems. Examples include but are not limited to:
- When full cognitive function is needed - school work, class attendance, or employment responsibilities;
- When there is a history of alcohol or other drug addiction in the family;
- While engaged in athletics or other physical activities as well as when training for such endeavors;
- While operating complex and/or dangerous equipment - laboratory equipment, motor vehicles, power tools, etc.;
- While taking certain medications for a wide variety of illness or disorders;
- While responsible for the supervision, safety, and well-being of others;
- While pregnant;
- While recovering from chemical dependency.
- Keene State College both supports and complies with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 (P.L. 100-600) and the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989 (P.L. 101-226). Read the Keene State College 2022-2024 Alcohol and Other Drug Biennial Report.
- Although the legal use of alcohol and other drugs is a personal choice, the illegal use is a violation of the Keene State College Alcohol and Other Drug Policy.
- Moreover, ignorance of local, state and federal laws or campus regulations does not provide protection from these laws or regulations if they are violated. (See below)
- No one should be pressured to use alcohol or other drugs.
- Drunkenness is neither healthy nor socially acceptable and is considered irresponsible behavior. Drunkenness should not be laughed at or taken lightly. Repeated drunkenness may be a symptom of personal problems and/or serious illness.
- Alcohol or other drugs are not essential for the enjoyment of social events, family gatherings, or celebrations. Furthermore, drinking alcoholic beverages should not be an activity for its own sake. When alcoholic beverages are present at social occasions, including receptions, they should be adjunct to other activities, rather than the primary purpose of attending the function. Food and alternate beverages must be served.
- Person(s) or organizations arranging events where alcoholic beverages will be consumed are encouraged to plan, so that the consumption of alcohol remains within the spirit of this policy statement.
The following requirements of the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989, is provided to supplement the above policy statement:
- An overview of the College’s Alcohol and Other Drug Use Regulations.
- A summary of the possible Sanctions imposed for violations of the Alcohol and Other Drug Policy.
- A description of alcohol and other drug counseling, treatment, and rehabilitation programs available to members of the college community.
- A summary of local and state laws governing the unlawful possession or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol.
- Guidelines for Alcohol Beverage Marketing on Campus.
The Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy
All State and Federal Laws and campus regulations pertaining to alcohol and other drugs apply to all members of the Keene State College community, including students, faculty and staff as well as campus organizations. These laws and regulations include but are not limited to:
The possession or use of alcoholic beverages is restricted to those persons age 21 and over.
No person shall sell or give away any alcoholic beverages to a person under the age of 21 or to an intoxicated person.
Any faculty, staff, student or campus organization wishing to conduct an event on campus where alcohol will be served must complete the appropriate Alcohol Function Agreement Form(s) through the Student Center.
The sale of alcohol at any faculty, staff, student or campus organization event must adhere to local, state, federal and campus regulations.
Alcoholic beverages may not be consumed in public places including hallways, lounges, lobbies, common/recreational areas, dining areas, bathrooms, sidewalks, areas immediately adjacent to residence halls, classrooms, etc.
Alcohol and other drugs may not be brought to any Keene State College sponsored event.
When legally transporting alcohol the alcohol must be in its original, unopened container. A container is considered open when the factory applied seal is broken. Transporting open containers, regardless of a person’s age, is prohibited.
Public intoxication is prohibited.
The use of illegal drugs or the misuse of legal drugs is dangerous and unacceptable behavior in the College community and is prohibited.
Consumption of alcohol which results in harmful behavior affecting other people or their property is prohibited.
No person may be under the influence of alcohol or other drugs (except when following a doctor’s recommendations or when appropriately using over-the-counter drugs) while attending classes, at any official meetings, or while fulfilling employment responsibilities.
The manufacture, use, or possession of any controlled substance, illegal drug, or paraphernalia (such as bongs, hookahs, sploofs/spoofs, bowls, grinders, etc.) is prohibited.
The unauthorized distribution or possession for the purpose of distribution of any controlled substance or illegal drug is prohibited.
Possession of equipment or paraphernalia (such as funnels, beer bongs, beer pong tables, etc.) associated with, or participation in any form of a drinking game in a residential facility is considered a violation of the Student Code of Conduct.
False Identification: possessing and the utilization of a false/fake identification for the purpose of misrepresenting ones age to gain entrance to an age restricted establishment/event or for the procurement of an age restricted item.
Regulations Specific to Keene State College Residence Halls
Living in a residence hall is a community living experience where all members have certain rights and responsibilities. In addition to the above regulations, the following standards of behavior are designed to maximize the positive aspects of residence halls by stating behavioral expectations. Alcoholic beverages may be consumed in the privacy of a resident’s room provided all of the aforementioned regulations are adhered to, as well as the following:
- Alcoholic beverages can be consumed only in the resident’s room or those areas designated as “private.”.
- The maximum amount of alcohol permitted in a room at anytime is based upon the number of residents of legal age assigned to the room. Each resident of legal age is permitted to have in their room: Two six packs of 12-ounce containers of beer/hard lemonade/hard cider/malt beverages/etc., or an equivalent amount in other containers; OR, one 750ml bottle of liquor; OR, one half gallon of wine. In addition, each resident may not enter the residence halls with more than the maximum per capita amount indicated above.
- Kegs of beer, beer balls, etc., are prohibited.
- Visitors or guests are prohibited from bringing alcohol into any residential facility where the residents of the room are underage. If the residents are of-age, alcohol may enter the room if: a) the guest/visitor is of legal drinking age, and b) the host/hostess of the guest/visitor is a resident of the room, is present at the time and is of legal drinking age, and c) the total amount of alcohol in the room does not exceed the maximum per capita amounts listed above.
- In a room in which at least one resident is of legal age, empty alcohol containers must be stored in a recycling receptacle and emptied regularly to the designated recycling area.
- Underage residents are not permitted to possess or display alcohol containers.
- Residents are responsible for the conduct of their guests including compliance with the Keene State College Alcohol and Other Drug Policy.
Regulations Regarding Keene State College Employees and The Drug Free Workplace Act
University System of New Hampshire Trustees Policy Regarding Drug and Alcohol Issues for Personnel (2/1/92)
The use of illegal drugs or alcohol shall be strictly prohibited in the USNH workplace. The Chancellor shall establish appropriate procedures for implementing this policy, including exceptions for the appropriate use of alcohol at USNH social functions, to implement the purposes of this policy and ensure compliance with state and federal law. The Chancellor’s procedures shall include provisions for sanctions as well as appropriate education, outreach, and employee assistance programming.
University System of New Hampshire Procedures Concerning Controlled Substances in the Workplace (2/1/92)
Employees are prohibited from the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of any controlled substance in the workplace. Violation of this prohibition may result in a variety of personnel actions, including but not limited to a warning, reprimand, suspension, or discharge. In addition, said employees may be referred to counseling, rehabilitation, an employee assistance program, or other treatment option. As a condition of employment, all USNH employees must abide by the terms of this procedure and must report to the Personnel Office any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than five days after such conviction.
Conduct/Disciplinary Action
Conduct Actions (Students)
A student and/or organization found responsible for violating the Alcohol and Other Drug Policy may receive one or more of a variety of sanctions tailored to meet the specific violation(s). Individual mitigating circumstances as well as aggravating factors, such as past misconduct by the offender(s) or failure to comply with previously imposed sanctions, are also taken into consideration. The following list is not to be regarded as all-inclusive but rather as a sampler of the types of sanctions which may be applied. For a complete description of the conduct process and an explanation of the following sanctions, please consult the Student Code of Conduct.
- Official Reprimand
- Restitution
- Disciplinary Restriction
- Referred Learning Program
- Completion of a Certified Alcohol and Other Drug Rehabilitation Program
- College Probation
- Deferred Suspension
- Disciplinary Suspension
- Disciplinary Dismissal
- Deactivation of a Student Organization
- Notification of Violation to Parents
College Disciplinary Action when there is also a Violation of Law
The College reserves the right to assert its jurisdiction in certain off-campus incidents when specific actions by members of the College community adversely affect the College community and/or its mission as determined by the Associate Vice President for Student Engagement or their designee. For further information see the Student Code of Conduct.
Counseling, Treatment, and Rehabilitation Programs
Alcohol and Other Drug Counseling, Treatment, and Rehabilitation Programs Available to Students
The Keene State College Wellness Center works to address the issues of alcohol or other drug use. For both residential and non-residential students, the Wellness Center offers individualized assessments, brief individual therapy, group support, consultations and educational programs, as well as referrals to regional treatment centers.
Crisis interventions as well as referrals to other treatment centers are also available. Regional treatment and rehabilitation services include, but are not limited to, Phoenix House and the Brattleboro Retreat.
Keene State College Employee Assistance Program
The Keene State College Employee Assistance Program is a confidential service which offers assessment, short-term counseling, referral and follow-up services for faculty, staff and their family members who want assistance in dealing with problems or stress caused by life changes. The program is free for benefits eligible faculty and staff.
Guidelines for Beverage Marketing on Campus
Guidelines for Alcohol Beverage Marketing on Campus
- Alcohol beverage marketing programs cannot contain any demeaning sexual or discriminatory portrayal of individuals.
- Promotion of alcohol cannot encourage any form of alcohol abuse nor can it place emphasis on quantity and frequency of use.
- Alcohol cannot be provided as an award for contests.
- Drinking contests are prohibited.
- Promotional activities should not be associated with otherwise existing campus events or programs without prior knowledge and consent of appropriate College officials.
- Display or availability of promotional materials should be determined in consultation with the Associate Vice President for Student Engagement.
- Informational marketing programs should have educational value and subscribe to the philosophy of low-risk and legal use of the products represented.
- Alcohol marketers should support campus alcohol awareness programs that encourage informed and low-risk decisions about the use or non-use of alcohol.
- Alcohol cannot be portrayed as a solution to personal or academic problems of students or as necessary to social, sexual, financial or academic success.
- Alcohol consumption cannot be associated with the performance of tasks that require skilled reactions such as the operation of motor vehicles or machinery.
- Local off-campus promotional activities, primarily directed to students, should be developed with the previous knowledge of the Office of Student Engagement.