Community Living and Housing Information
- Overview
- Visitation
- Eligibility
- Availability
- Contract Duration
- Termination of Contract
- Contract Release
- Administrative Housing Fee
- Residence Hall Damages
- Combo/Lock Changes
- Work Orders
- Loss of Student Property
- Occupancy
- Room Changes
- Room Charges
- Refunds
- Room Entry/Search
The Transitions and Community Living Office is responsible for the overall functioning of the College’s residence program.
Keene State College considers the experience of living on campus to be an extension of the learning experience of college that is just as important as lessons learned in the classroom.
As a residential college, we consider the experience of living on-campus to be a valuable developmental tool designed to enhance the mission of the College by helping students develop critical thinking and communication skills along with a heightened appreciation for diversity and service learning. All residential students are expected to actively participate in and support the programs and procedures employed by Community Living staff to achieve that end.
Visitor: A current Keene State student.
Guest: A guest is anyone who is not a KSC student. Guests must be registered by their host and must be accompanied by their host at all times while on campus.
Room Occupancies are double the number of students assigned to a room:
Single = Max Occupancy 2
Double = Max Occupancy 4
Triple = Max Occupancy 6
Quad = Max Occupancy 8
5-person suite = Max Occupancy 10
6-person suite = Max Occupancy 12
8-person suite = Max Occupancy 16
10-person suite = Max Occupancy 20
Total number of people in a room at any given time may also be restricted further based on the existing local, state, and federal fire regulations.
Visitors: Visitors may stay overnight in another resident’s room. While they do not need a guest pass, permission from all residents of the room/suite is required.
Guests: A resident is allowed no more than a total of one guest at any one time.
Students with guests are expected to complete and submit the Community Living Guest Registration Form for a guest who will be in the building between 8pm and 8am the following day.
If requested by a Campus Official, guests are expected to show a form of ID and their registration confirmation.
If a student wishes to register a guest under the age of 18, the host resident is required to receive approval prior to registration their Community Director.
Frequency: Overnight guests or visitors may not stay in a residence hall room for more than two consecutive nights and no more than four nights during any month. During all 24-hour Quiet Hour periods, guests are not permitted except for the purpose of assisting a resident in moving out at the end of the semester.
Students are responsible for the actions of their guests while the guests are on campus. Guests are subject to all rules of the campus community as outlined in the Student Handbook including Covid policies and procedures. Hosts are billed for damages or fines as a result of a guest’s behavior and may be referred for disciplinary action. Community Living staff may remove a guest from campus immediately for disruption of the community, infringement of rules and regulations, harassment of staff, or other safety or community concerns.
Only full-time Keene State Students who are in good academic standing, have met all housing deposit deadlines and have fulfilled all financial obligations to the College are eligible to live in College-owned residence halls. All residential students must agree to abide by all terms and conditions contained in the Residence Hall Contract.
The Community Living Office offers a variety of living accommodations available to full-time students on a space available basis. Please note that students with 59 credits or less are required to live on campus.
For new students, priority for assignments is given according to the date that the enrollment services fee is credited, while returning residential students choose their rooms through the Housing Selection Process held each spring.
Additional information regarding residence hall facilities, services, application procedures, regulations, and so forth, is contained in the Terms and Conditions of the Residence Hall Contract (PDF)..
Contract Duration
The Residence Hall Contract is binding for the entire academic year. Applicants must accept their room assignments for both fall and spring semesters. All resident students (with the exception of residents of Pondside 2 Apartments) are required to be on one of two meal plans as a condition of residency. The board program is binding for the entire academic year.
Termination of Contract
The College may terminate this contract for health reasons, for failure of the student to contract for or continue on the board plan without authorization, for failure to pay room and board costs, or for violations of published College rules. A resident whose contract is terminated will be expected to vacate the residence hall immediately and may be held responsible for fulfilling all financial obligations of the contract. This contract may not be transferred or assigned to any other person.
Contract Release
Residents may request release from the Residence Hall Contract. Releases are subject to the approval of the Director of Transitions and Community Living or their designee. Such releases will only be considered for the following reasons:
Non-admission, withdrawal, transfer, or dismissal from the College. Students who wish to take a Leave of Absence or Withdraw from College must contact the Dean of Students Office.
Extreme, unanticipated change in financial circumstances.
Serious medical or health problems directly related to residence hall living.
Marriage or Civil Union during the contract terms.
Student teaching beyond a 30-mile radius from campus.
Study Away.
Reducing course load from full-time to part-time does not constitute grounds for release from the contract. Documentation for all releases will be required by the Director of Transitions and Community Living or their designee.
Administrative Housing Fee
A nonrefundable administrative housing fee of $250 is placed on a students account that will be living on campus. This covers all processes and minor damages that are typical when students move out of their rooms at the end of the year. This fee does not include egregious damages that occur in or outside of a students residence hall room, including but not limited too, hallways, common spaces, bathrooms, lounges, etc. Housing selection guidelines are available during the spring semester.
Residence Hall Damages
Individual Room Damages
Damages to student rooms are the responsibility of the occupants. In order to prevent misinterpretation, it is strongly recommended that students inspect their rooms thoroughly with their Community Assistant upon moving in, noting any issues/repairs that need to be made.
Common Area Damages
Common area damages are charged to the student deemed to be responsible for the damage. In cases where responsibility for the damage cannot be determined, all residents of the damaged area will share the cost of repairs evenly.
Individual damage charges can be appealed and must be done so within ten days of the charges being placed on a student’s account. Appeals need to be emailed to the Community Director of the area in which the student lived.
Combo/Lock Changes
Locks and doors are essential components for the safety and security of students and their belongings. External and internal doors in all residence facilities should never be propped or tampered with. Safety and security is the responsibility of all students. Please refer to the Code of Conduct for further elaboration of the College policies regarding misuse of or tampering with keys and locks.
If a student requests a change in their combination lock, the student(s) will be billed for a combination change. Residents who are locked out of their rooms three or more times per year will be subject to disciplinary action. Students are prohibited from giving out their combination to others, as this creates a potential security problem.
All ID cards are the sole property of Keene State College and may not be duplicated except by the College.
Work Orders
Students who need to have repairs made in their individual bedroom can do so by using the Student Maintenance Request link. Repairs for other common spaces must be reported to either the student’s CA or Community Director and must include the specific nature of the problem (such as overhead light not working, radiator leaking on right side of room, etc.). The staff member will then notify the appropriate trade staff to get the work done. If the repair is not made within three business days the student should contact their Community Director.
Loss of Student Property
The College does not assume any liability for loss, damage, or injury resulting from theft, explosion, fire, mechanical failure of either gas or water lines, loss of electricity, defective wiring, or negligence of any occupant of the building. It is strongly urged that students purchase appropriate insurance policies to protect themselves from loss or damage to personal possessions.
Assigned rooms may be occupied the day before the first day of classes for each semester. Special arrangements for the early arrival of any student must be approved in advance by the Transitions and Community Living Office.
Living accommodations in the residence halls are not available during times when the College is not in session, e.g., Thanksgiving, midyear recess, and spring recess, except as special arrangements may be made for student teachers and athletes.
Students are expected to comply with all closing instructions that will be provided to them before each of the hall closings noted above. Failure to comply with these instructions will be addressed through the College’s conduct system.
Rooms paid for and not occupied one day after registration day may be declared vacant by the Director of Transitions and Community Living, unless the individual having the assignment makes a written request to the [Residential Life and Housing Services Office] to hold the room until a later date.
The Transitions & Community Living Office reserves the right to:
change room assignments at any time with a specific rationale provided to the resident(s) involved consolidate vacancies
use rooms over holiday periods, provided prior notice is given to each resident involved
control the rooms in event of an epidemic
change the gender designation of a hall, house, or floor, and provide space to accommodate the needs of special interest program groups
change room assignments for health, safety, or repair service, for disciplinary reasons caused by the residents, for ongoing community concerns, or for irreconcilable differences between roommates.
Room Changes
Requests for room changes will not be honored during the first two weeks of a semester except under rare extenuating circumstances. All room changes must be discussed with the Community Assistant and/or the Community Director. Students cannot change rooms without the advanced approval of the Community Director(s) of the hall(s) involved or Director of Transitions and Community Living.
Room Charges
A bill for the room and board charges will be sent to the student; charges will be payable prior to the beginning of each semester. Room assignments may be canceled by the College if the charge is not paid by the stipulated due date, or alternate arrangements for payment of bill have not been approved by the Student Financial Services Office.
Withdrawal: 75 percent of the room rent will be returned to any student withdrawing from the College within 7 days following the first day of classes; 50 percent after seven calendar days but within 30 days of the first day of classes; and no refund after 30 days.
Prorated rebates will be given on the unused portion of the board contract, less one week.
Dismissal: No room refund will be made to any student who is dismissed from the College for any reason, or who is mandated to leave the residence halls for disciplinary reasons.
Room Entry/Search
The Transitions and Community Living Office reserves the right to:
enter rooms to inspect for and correct/remove hazards to health or safety, or to carry out necessary maintenance work search a room, but only with the permission of the Associate Vice President for Student Engagement or their designee.
As appropriate, College officials may contact law enforcement authorities who may seek search warrants to search student rooms.