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Bid Information

In general, awards are made to the lowest cost, most responsive and responsible firm meeting the specifications and delivery requirements outlined in the request for bid or proposal. On the more complex purchases, evaluation factors such as past technical experience, years in business, customer references, and life cycle costing are considered, in addition to price. All bids should include freight/shipping and/or installation if applicable.

  1. Open Bids
  2. Bid Parameters
  3. ETB (Exception to Bid):
  4. Types of Solicitations
  5. Overview of the Bid Process
  6. For New Vendors
  7. Document Downloads

Open Bids

There are no active bids at this time.

Bid Parameters

  • $3,000 – $5,000 – one written bid must be provided for purchasing review before the order can be placed
  • $5,000 – $10,000 – three written bids must be provided for purchasing review before the order can be placed
  • $10,000 – Contact KSC Purchasing and we will assist you with the USNH formal bid process

Purchasing must obtain competitive pricing for the purchase of goods or services $10,000.00 or over through a formal bid process, unless the purchase is covered by the following types of existing contracts: USNH, state, federal, or other cooperative contract or pricing agreement (NHCUC, GSA, E&I). Any solicitation issued by purchasing is not a commitment to issue an order. Please contact Purchasing regarding these pricing agreements.

ETB (Exception to Bid):

Used for purchases over $10,000 and under $35,000 and at times, for purchases over the $35,000 bid threshold. ETB’s under all circumstances are not the norm and shouldn’t be used as a method to avoid regular procurement policy (see below). Form must be done prior to agreeing to work and always need approval from Procurement to proceed and process a requisition.

It’s important to remember that requisitions/purchase orders should always be done before any purchase is made. After the fact orders should be done in an emergency situations only.

Types of Solicitations

Request for Information (RFI)

An RFI is used when you don’t know exactly what you want or what is available in the marketplace. The info received as a result of the RFI may assist in determining whether a formal request for bid or proposal is necessary.

Request for Qualifications (RFQ)

An RFQ is most often used for the selection of Architects, General Contractors and Construction Managers.

Request for Bid (RFB)

An RFB is used when you know precisely what you need and have precise requirements and specifications.

Request for Proposal (RFP)

The RFP is a hybrid of these documents. An RFP is used when you have a general idea with some specifications and/or it’s a large, complex project with potential for multiple solutions.

Overview of the Bid Process

A Department can initiate the bid process by communicating their needs to purchasing through email (preferred). Fax or in-person communication is also acceptable. Once the request is received by purchasing:

  • Purchasing assigns a bid number to all requests (RFB, RFP, RFQ or RFI) for tracking purposes. This number should be referenced on all documentation relating to the request (e.g. bid document, correspondence, email, Banner document).
  • A specific due date and time are assigned to all requests.
  • Purchasing creates and issues the RFB, RFP, RFQ or RFI to interested vendors and posts to the purchasing web site.
  • Responses are sent to purchasing by the specified date and time and are confidential until the due date and time
  • A public opening of all responses will be held at purchasing or another specified location. The contact person from the business unit, as well as all firms, is encouraged to attend.
  • All responses are evaluated by purchasing and the contact person
  • When applicable, a detailed summary of all responses is tabulated to assist in the evaluation process. The summary is distributed to the contact person or review committee
  • A decision on the award is made with collaboration from purchasing
  • If a decision is made to award, Purchasing will send an award letter to winning bidder with instruction to contact the project manager or department to work out purchasing details.
  • If insurance or bonding or a W-9 is required from the awarded firm, purchasing will work with the responsible business unit to ensure that these requirements are met prior to working on campus

For New Vendors

  • At this time please use the substitute W-9. (Or W-8Ben if applicable). Per policy, please fax (603-358-2495) to KSC Purchasing rather than sending via email.

Thank you and we look forward to working with you.

Document Downloads

see also Links, Forms and Policies

Contact Purchasing

Fiske Annex, M-1601
Keene State College
229 Main St, Keene NH 03435
☎ 603-358-2494 (pcard, vendor, and general questions) (travel related items) (printer questions and copy codes)