University of New Hampshire Purchasing Card Program
The first step is to become familiar with the USNH Purchasing policies and guidelines. The entire policy can be found at ( Each campus, at a minimum, must follow approved policy however each may be more restrictive. KSC specific policy differences are noted throughout.
Pcard Application
The Pcard application can be found at The account manager is typically your supervisor or budget manager. Once the application is complete and approved, forward to the Purchasing office for processing. New cards usually arrive 7-10 days after application. Online training will be scheduled once received.
Allowable and Unallowable Purchases and Card Type Descriptions
A list of approved types of purchases and card descriptors can be found following this link
Please be aware that KSC is more restrictive in the following areas:
Most food purchases are restricted at KSC so there is a KSC Standard card that allows for the purchase of supplies and other business needs but does not allow for the purchase of food. Exceptions may be granted on a business need basis and must be updated yearly.
The majority of KSC card limits are set below the maximum limits and are based on history and need. Exceptions to the maximum limits will require CFO or designee approval. KSC does not allow for any services regardless of the time frame or dollar amount. KSC travel cards are not to be used for air or bus travel. All such travel is coordinated through the purchasing office per policy.
Lodging from third party vendors may be paid via Pcard however proof of homeowner liability insurance must be obtained prior to booking or payment. Purchasing should be consulted before payment for risk management purposes and must sign all contracts. Deposits should not be paid until contracts are signed.
Unauthorized Purchases
Advertising (promotional) – exceptions may be granted with valid business reason and yearly updated authorization.
Alcohol – in very rare cases exceptions may be granted which require approval from the President. Yearly updates are required.
Advertising (Help Wanted) – Human Resource exception only.
Equipment – KSC does not generally allow equipment and furniture to be purchase with a Pcard regardless on the cost. This does not include small office supplies. Temporary exceptions may be granted by Purchasing.
KSC does not allow purchases at the Zorn Dining Commons with a Pcard.
Monitor and Reconcile
USNH policy requires all receipts be given to Account Managers within seven days of the charge processing through the bank. KSC has been given permission to continue with monthly reporting providing we require Account Managers review daily transactions within the sweep date period of seven (7) days. Monthly reconciliations are due in the Purchasing office by the tenth (10th) of each month and are considered in violation if not received by the twentieth day (20). Consistently late statements may result in temporary suspension or in rare instances cancellation of the card.
Policy Violations are monitored at both the campus and system level. Late reconciliations, personal expenditures, split transactions, misuse of the card, lack of detailed receipts and fraudulent use of card will result in violation letters being sent to both the cardholder and account manager. Multiple or continued violations may result in suspension or cancellation of the card. Campuses have some discretion regarding the cancellation/suspension options.
Temporary and Permanent Type of Limit changes
Temporary limit or card type change requests require pre-approval from the Account Manager and Purchasing using the following form:
Permanent Changes require a new application form:
Purchasing Office Contacts
Renee Harlow –; 603-358-2493
Sean Buxton –; 603-358-2494