The Assistant Vice President for Academic Engagement will be facilitating programming for new faculty for the 2023-2024 academic year. Please contact AVP Celia Rabinowitz,, with any questions.
- Orientation for new Tenure-Track, Clinical, Artist-in-Residence, Post-Doc, and Contract Faculty**
- Peer Mentoring Program
- Calendars of events and trainings
Orientation for new Tenure-Track, Clinical, Artist-in-Residence, Post-Doc, and Contract Faculty**
This annual orientation occurs in mid-August, two weeks before the fall semester begins, and is held over two full days. Specific dates, times, and locations of the orientation are announced in late summer.
The Assistant Vice President for Academic Engagement leads this orientation and invites other current faculty, administrators, staff, and students to engage in discussion with the new faculty. Sample discussion topics and activities include institutional data about Keene State College students, disability services, academic technology, grant writing and undergraduate research, the teacher-scholar model, KSC Cares and other wellness support for students, tour of campus and the Mason Library, Title IX and harassment workshop, breakfast with principal administrators, lunch with peer faculty mentors, and meeting with the KSCEA union. This is also an opportunity for new tenure-track, clinical, artist-in-residence, post-doc, and contract faculty to get to know each other and assist one another.
Peer Mentoring Program
New faculty have the opportunity to participate in the faculty mentoring program. We pair new faculty with seasoned faculty using best practices of faculty mentoring.The mentors and mentees gather for the first time in person for a luncheon and mentoring workshop during new faculty orientation, meet one-on-one throughout the academic year, and are invited to participate in special social gatherings off-campus and other mentoring workshops. This program is topic- and cohort-based since it addresses the specific needs of new faculty and their mentors.
Calendars of events and trainings
New faculty are encouraged to regularly consult Keene State College calendars for upcoming Faculty Enrichment opportunities and other Events offered across campus. The Office of Human Resources also lists faculty/staff trainings (e.g. Title IX and Harassment Workshop for Faculty) that require an employee log-in to enroll.