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Undergraduate Courses at Keene State College

What’ll it be? Microsoft Excel? Outdoor Leadership? Economic Analysis? Or Maybe one of hundreds of other courses? As a Continuing Education student, you can take undergraduate classes for credit. Taking courses through Continuing Education can help you prepare for formal admissions by sharpening your classroom skills and improving your grade point average.

Interested in an Undergraduate Degree Program?

Taking courses through Continuing Education can help you prepare for formal admissions by sharpening your classroom skills and improving your grade point average.

The Pre-Admissions Process

If you’re interested in a degree program, we encourage you to apply for admissions to the College (matriculate) before you’ve completed 30 credit hours as a Continuing Education student. To receive an undergraduate degree from Keene State, students must attain formal admission to the College (matriculate) before starting their final 30 credit hours of work towards a degree.

There are several reasons to matriculate as early as possible:

  • If you take six or more credits per semester,you may be eligible for financial aid.
  • If you have transfer credits from another institution, they may be evaluated and applied to your transcript.
  • Credits from CLEP and other college testing sources may be applied to your transcript.
  • You’re not susceptible to degree requirement changes.
  • Life experience credit may be applied to your transcript.
  • You’re eligible for early course selection, housing, and athletic participation.
  • You must be matriculated to receive a degree.

Contact Graduate Studies and Extended Education

Office of Graduate Studies and Extended Education