Educator Preparation Reporting Measures and Performance Data
Each year, the Keene State Educator Preparation programs are required to report our CAEP annual reporting measures information about candidate and program performance. An overview of the reporting measures is below, with more details on the institution’s CAEP annual reporting measures and self-study reports website. The KSC’s Institutional Research and Assessment has additional data and information on Keene State College, including the Factbook, graduate student surveys, alumni surveys, and retention and completion studies.
Keene State College’s Educator Preparation consists of programs at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.
- Measure 1: Completers Effectiveness and Impact on P-12 Learning and Development (Component R4.1)
- Measure 2: Satisfaction of Employers and Stakeholder Involvement (Components R4.2, R5.3, and RA4.1)
- Measure 3: Candidate Competency at Program Completion (Component R3.3 and RA3.4)
- Measure 4: Ability of completers to be Hired in Education Positions for Which They Have Been Prepared (Initial & Advanced)
- Average Cumulative GPA: 2022-2023 Program Completers
- Testing Pass Rates: 2022-2023 Program Completers
Measure 1: Completers Effectiveness and Impact on P-12 Learning and Development (Component R4.1)
- Keene State College strives to develop quality candidates who are prepared to enter the field and meet the needs of all their students academically, behaviorally, emotionally, and socially. We seek to assess our completers’ teaching effectiveness and understand how they apply the professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions they learned while in the program in their classrooms. One way to evaluate the effectiveness of our programs and the impact our completers have on their students is to analyze the impact our completers are having on their P-12 students’ learning and development once they have met the expectations set up by our EPP and entered the field. While New Hampshire does not provide state-level data on student performance, we have used other methods to gather data, evidence, and voices from our completers to capture how they are impacting P-12 learning and development, like case studies, data, surveys, and focus groups.
- In AY 2023-24, the Educator Preparation Programs collaborated with Keene State’s Marketing team to share experiences of alum across our educator preparation programs. Their experiences were captured in a series of videos and featured articles in our alumni magazine KSC Today, and on the KSC website
- Evidence:
- In 2019, we piloted a case study method: Impact on P-12 Student Growth – Spring 2019 Project Summary
- In 2020, we partnered with an area school district to obtain student achievement data on completers (five years or less) from our program who were still teaching in the area of licensure: EPP Completer Impact Study P-12 Student Achievement Growth Data Analysis
- In 2022, we partnered with an area school district to obtain teacher evaluations (without identifying information) conducted by the area school administration on completers from our program (20 years or less) or were still teaching in the area of licensure (Elementary and Secondary):
- A series of surveys were sent to completers of the program asking about effectiveness and satisfaction:
- The second completer’s survey asked for volunteers for focus group interviews from candidates that were less than 5 years out and teaching in the licensure areas. Focus group interviews allow for discussions on specific topics that lead to an analysis for themes: Completers Focus Group Report SP2021
Measure 2: Satisfaction of Employers and Stakeholder Involvement (Components R4.2, R5.3, and RA4.1)
- Our initial programs also gauge program quality through the insights, feedback, and evaluations by employers who hire KSC program completers. We seek to discover if employers are satisfied with our graduates’ preparation, teaching, skills beyond the classroom, work with diverse students and families, ability to meet the needs of all their students academically, behaviorally, emotionally, and socially, and evidence they use to support these points. Our EPP used both surveys and focus groups to gather evidence. A survey was sent to employers in 2019, and a focus group interview was conducted in 2021 to gain deeper insights into employer satisfaction:
- Advanced: The Educator Preparation Program (EPP) uses surveys and interviews with employers to gain employer insight into the effectiveness of our completers after they graduate and are hired in their field. In 2020, programs used an interview protocol built around these professional skill areas: application of data literacy, leadership and participation in collaborative activities, application of professional dispositions, and specific program knowledge and skill areas.
- In order to gain stakeholder involvement in our programs, we also have an Educator Preparation Advisory Committee that consists of faculty, students, and teachers/principals/superintendents from our partnership schools that include representation of graduate students, employers, and alumni. Additionally, the EPP co-hosts the Southwest Principal’s Collaborative and the Southwest Student Services Leaders (special education directors) regional groups and operates two school district-based Leadership Academies that inform our programs. The EPP also hosts the Southwest NH Regional School Leadership Consortium (RSLC) to focus on school leadership capacity building in collaboration with our Educational Leadership Program.
Measure 3: Candidate Competency at Program Completion (Component R3.3 and RA3.4)
Keene State College’s initial (undergraduate) programs use Decision Point 5 to outline what students need to accomplish at Program completion to be recommended for NH licensure.
- Degree completion (clearance from Registrar)
- GPA requirement:
- Successful completion of NH state and program-specific testing requirements for licensure with requisite scores achieved:
- Evidence of the candidate’s skills and knowledge to effectively teach with positive impacts on student learning and development is evaluated through the clinical evaluation. The Clinical Evaluation requirements on the AY21-22 Initial EPP Clinical Field Experience Evaluation Data for Student Teaching
- No evaluations of a one:“1-Does Not Meet Standard” and
- no more than two “2-Progress Toward Meeting Standard”
- Evidence of Professional skill and disposition are evaluation on the Dispositions Assessment form. For a student to be recommended for licensure, the candidate must achieve on their AY21-22 Initial EPP Disposition Data for Student Teaching.
- No evaluations of a one:“1-Does Not Meet Standard” and
- No evaluations of a two: “2-Progress Toward Meeting Standard”
- Our EPP keeps track of GPA and testing pass rates of our program completers. Additional information on our programs and program completers can be viewed on our Title II report.
- Additional data on GPA, Praxis Subject Tests, Pearson Foundations of Reading, and Field of Study can be found below.
- EPP Advanced (Graduate) programs, Special Education and Educational Leadership collect a range of data to provide evidence that our candidates are competent at program completion. The following provides key highlights of candidate competency at program completion. There were a total 9 completers in Special Education and 9 completers in Educational Leadership for Spring/Summer 2021. 2021-22 Advanced Program Annual Measure 3 Assessment Data
- Average Cumulative GPA: 2022-2023 Program Completers
- 100% of AY 2021-22 advanced program completers met candidate dispositions’ competencies, measured as “acceptable” (final decision point)
- 100% of AY 2021-22 advanced program completers candidates “met or exceeded standards” related to the Research Summary Capstone Project (M.Ed. candidates)
- 100% of AY 2021-22 advanced program completers candidates “met or exceeded standards” related to the Special Education and Educational Leadership Program Portfolio Assessment measures
- 100% of AY 2021-22 advanced program completers candidates “met or exceeded standards” related to the Special Education and Educational Leadership final Internship Evaluation.
Measure 4: Ability of completers to be Hired in Education Positions for Which They Have Been Prepared (Initial & Advanced)
- In AY 2022-2023, KSC graduated 72 educator preparation students from our undergraduate and graduate programs. 52 of the graduates are teaching in their licensure area in New England. 37 of the 52 are working in New Hampshire.
- Our Educator Preparation faculty and staff have been working with the New Hampshire Department of Education (NH DOE) to gather data on our completers being hired in education positions in the state of New Hampshire. Our Educator Preparation Office is responsible for recommending educator preparation students to the NH DOE licensure office who have completed our program as outlined in our Decision Points. Once the completers are recommended by our office, they have the ability to be hired, but our office does not track if and where our graduates are hired.
- Our Office of Institutional Research and Assessment also compiles employment data from our alumni survey. 2019 Alumni Survey Results. Additional information can be found on the KSC FACTBOOK
- Individual programs have informally tracked completers from both initial and advanced programs and have data that was obtained through Program Coordinator contacts with completers or employers.
- In combination with the evolving data reporting systems at the NH Department of Education, our EPP is working toward developing a tracking system advanced completes, 3-5 years after graduating from KSC.
Average Cumulative GPA: 2022-2023 Program Completers
Certification | Average Cumulative GPA |
Early Childhood Education | 3.4 |
Elementary Education (K-6)/(K-8) | 3.6 |
English Language Arts for Grades 5-12 | 3.5 |
Mathematics, Middle Level | 2.8 |
Mathematics, Upper Level | 3.8 |
Modern Languages (Spanish) Education | No completers |
Music Education | No completers |
Physical Education | 3.3 |
Social Studies for Grades 5-12 | 3.6 |
Science for Grades 5-8 | 3.9 |
Earth Space Science for Grades 7-12 | No completers |
Life Sciences for Grades 7-12 | 3.4 |
Chemistry for Grades 7-12 | 3.5 |
Physics for Grades 7-12 | 3.5 |
Special Education (graduate) | 3.9 |
School Principal | 3.9 |
Testing Pass Rates: 2022-2023 Program Completers
Certification | Praxis II Pass Rate | Foundations of Reading Pass Rate |
Early Childhood Education | 75% | 100% |
Elementary Education (K-8) | 100% | 100% |
English Language Arts for Grades 5-12 | 100% | |
Mathematics, Middle Level | 100% | |
Mathematics, Upper Level | 100% | |
Modern Languages (Spanish) Education | Not applicable | |
Music Education | Not applicable | |
Physical Education | 67% | |
Science for Grades 5-8 | 100% | |
Earth Space Science for Grades 7-12 | Not applicable | |
Life Sciences for Grades 7-12 | 100% | |
Chemistry for Grades 7-12 | 100% | |
Physics for Grades 7-12 | 100% | |
Social Studies for Grades 5-12 | 83% | |
Special Education (graduate) | Not applicable | |
School Principal (graduate) | Not applicable |