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Miscellaneous Fees

Each student is responsible for timely payment of all outstanding charges on his or her account. Failure to remit payment in full by the published deadline may result in late payment fees, account holds, and deregistration from classes. Payment of the bill is solely the responsibility of the student regardless of who remits the actual funds.

2024-25 FeesRate
Community Living Administrative Fee$250
Enrollment Services Fee$500
Late Payment Fee$50 to $150
Applied Music Fees (1 credit)$160
Applied Music Fees (2-3 credits)$280
Parking Fees$40 to $300
Parking Tickets$25 to $300
Application Fee$50
Teacher Education Program Fee$130
Student ID Replacement$25
Returned Check Service Charge$20
Transcript Charge$12.00 paper, $8.00 online
Credits by Portfolio Assessment$50 per credit
Fresh Start Application Fee$200
Electronic Materials FeeVaries depending on course
Course FeesVaries depending on course

You may or may not incur the following fees, depending on choices you make, including living on campus, eating in the dining hall, parking on campus, and other options:

Community Living Administrative Fee: A non-refundable administrative housing fee This fee covers all minor incidental common area and room damages in the residence halls.

Application Fee: Charged to all students who are seeking admission to the college and/or special programs offered on-campus, such as the Graduate Program or the Teacher Education Certification Program.

Enrollment Services Fee: A one-time fee charged to first-time, readmitted, graduate, and certificate students. This fee covers administrative and technical costs for new students. No student can be enrolled until the fee is paid.

Residence Hall Damage Deposit: Charged to all students living in on-campus housing to cover the cost of damage that may result. The unused portion of the deposit will be refunded only after the student moves out of the residence halls.

Late Payment Fee: Charged to students each semester based on the outstanding balance due after the payment deadline.

Applied Music Fee: Charged to students enrolled in specific classes that offer one-on-one instruction. This fee is in addition to any tuition paid for credit hours.

Parking Fees: Charged to students who register a car and receive a permit to park in an on-campus lot.

Returned Check Service Charge: Charged to all persons who issue a check that, for any reason, is returned from the bank unpaid.

Transcript Charge: Charged to students requesting copies of their official transcript.

Credits by Portfolio Assessment: It is possible to seek credit for learning derived from work and life experience through documentation of acquired knowledge and/or skills.

The decision to award credits is made by the chair of the department associated with the credits being sought. The department chair reviews the completed portfolio (form found here) and recommends to the Registrar the number of credits to be awarded in the assessed areas. A $50 per credit fee is charged per credit attempted. Further information on opportunities for assessment of non-college learning may be obtained in the Elliot Center.

Fresh Start Application Fee: Billed to students who have applied for the Keene State College Fresh Start Program. Fee must be paid to be considered for the program.

Electronic Materials Fee: Billed to students enrolled in a course whose instructor chooses to use online materials in place of textbooks.

Course Fees: Some courses are assessed special fees to help cover additional costs not normally covered by the instructional budget and fundamental to the special instructional activities associated with a specific course. These courses are typically related to performance studies, lab courses, practicums and internships, studio courses, adventure education courses, and field study courses.

Contact Student Financial Services

Keene State College
229 Main Street
Keene, NH 03435-2603

Book an Appointment with Student Financial Services
☎ 800-572-1909 / 603-358-2280
Fax: 603-358-2163

Icon of clock Hours of Operation

Walk-in support is available, we're in Elliot Center, room 107.

Monday – Friday:
8 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Closed on campus holidays.