(Concern Awareness REsponse Support)
To refer a student, please select the type of concern you have below. Academic concerns (deterioration in quality of work, repeated absences, disorganized/erratic behavior, disturbing writing, etc.) are submitted via EAB Navigate. Behavioral concerns (physical, personal, emotional) are submitted via an online form. If you are a student please submit the student link or if you are not a KSC faculty/staff member or do not know the type of concern you are submitting, please select behavioral.
Mission of CARES
To promote the academic engagement, success, and retention of students through a residence-based strategy.
CARES Objectives
- Establish culture of academic and personal success and well-being
- Use data-driven approach
- Establish pathways to connect students with appropriate support services
The team also is available to support you in speaking with a student you are concerned about.
CARES Leadership
- Dean of Students Office (Chair)
- Transitions and Community Living
- Provost’s Office
- Aspire
- Academic Advising
- Dean of Faculty Office
- Athletics
When and How to Refer a Student
Recognizing Warning Signs
Faculty and staff are often in a position to recognize students who are at risk. Identifying the signs of at-risk behavior and responding in a timely manner may be a significant part of linking the student with the appropriate campus resource(s).
- Unusual or erratic behavior in class, in the residence halls, during advising sessions, etc.
- Extended absence from class or activities by a typically engaged student
- Written work or creative expression with troubling themes or references
- Written or verbal expressions of suicidal ideation
- Marked changes in academic performance
- Noticeable decline in personal appearance/change in hygiene
- Repeatedly engaging in disruptive behaviors in class
- Excessive or inappropriate anger
How to Refer a Student
- Academic CARES Referral
- Non-Academic CARES Referral
- Send an email to deanofstudents@keene.edu
- Call 358-2842.
The CARES referral is not for emergencies.
If there is an immediate threat to a student (either through self-harm or interpersonal violence) or the community, call 911.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What about FERPA protection?
A: FERPA pertains to the privacy of educational records. It does not prohibit the reporting of observable behavior.
If you are concerned about a personal interaction you have had with a student or an observation you have made pertaining to behavior, you are encouraged to report and/or consult with appropriate colleagues or the Dean of Students.
The members of the team, as institutional agents, adhere to the laws and standards governing the disclosure of information to third parties both within and external to the College. Such information is only disclosed on an administrative need to know basis and only according to the relevant laws/policies that govern such disclosure.
Q: How is this team different than a Threat Assessment Team?
A: The TAT is a reactive team that responds to high level, eminent campus crisis once a situation emerges. CARES is a proactive team that meets weekly to assess referrals and intervene before the concern escalates to violent or detrimental behavior to the student or members of the campus community.
Q: Will I be contacted and updated about the student I refer?
A: Once you refer a student you may be contacted by a team member for details about the concerning behavior. You may be updated with information as it pertains to the student’s interactions with you or your department. However, you will not be informed of details of conversations with the student or possible disciplinary action that may occur depending on the situation.