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Steph Ryder

Special Education

Special Education Master’s (M.Ed.) and Graduate Certification Options

Currently accepting applications for the 2025-2026 Academic Year.

Earn recommendation for endorsement for teacher licensure with the New Hampshire Department of Education as a Special Education Teacher (K-12), in the Graduate Licensure only Program or go beyond with a Master’s in Special Education. The program emphasizes collaboration and hands-on application of skills using a field-based cohort model**. The Special Education program is approved by the NH Department of Education and Nationally Recognized by the Council for Exceptional Children.

Complete a master’s in one year, full-time, or in two years, part-time. The 38-credit M.Ed. makes the most of a student’s expertise and leadership potential in Special Education. The 27 credits of licensure coursework can be completed within a single year.

Become a Special Education Teacher through two program options

  • Master of Education degree: with endorsement for NH Department of Education Special Education Teacher (k-12) license (38 credits)
  • Graduate Educator Certification Program: with endorsement for NH Department of Education Special Education Teacher (k-12) license (27 credits)

Benefits of a Keene State M. Ed. degree in Special Education

  • Complete an M.Ed. with special education licensure in one year. Start in the summer term and complete your master’s degree the following May.
  • Coursework is directly applied to field settings and connected to best practices based on the Council for Exceptional Children’s standards.
  • During the school year, licensure courses are scheduled for after-work in late afternoons or weekday evenings.
  • Year-long intensive internship experience in a public school setting.
  • One-on-one collaboration with faculty. Allows for accelerated, experiential learning and school-based research. Two 400-hour internships, one in the fall and one in the spring.
  • An exceptional tuition value. Tuition and fees competitive with and lower than surrounding schools with a minimal premium for non-residents
  • A highly regarded faculty. Classes are held in one of New Hampshire’s most comfortable, friendly, and exciting small cities
  • After graduation, Keene State College’s Educator Preparation Office assists with paperwork to help you obtain licensure/certification in other states.
  • Individual attention from admissions interview to graduation and beyond.

Coursework Breakdown

Term Coursework
Term 1 Summer Foundations in Special Education *
Curriculum and Instructional Design *
Assessment and Evaluation in Special Education *
Research and Teaching in Special Education
Term 2 Fall Positive Behavior Supports *
Internship in Special Education I*
Research and Teaching in Special Education II
Educational Research Design
Term 3 Spring Transition Planning and Programming *
Internship in Special Education II *
[Research and Teaching Capstone

* Indicates graduate certification courses

Admissions Requirements

  • Candidates must have successfully completed a licensure program by a recognized state department of education in Early Childhood, Elementary, or Secondary General Education and be currently licensed by a recognized state department of education in one of these areas. Recent graduates must be recommended for certification and obtain their teaching license by September 1.
  • Candidates must be employed at least half-time in an approved educational setting or be enrolled in an approved internship for the duration of the program.
  • Candidates must have a minimum of 300 hours of experience within the last three years with children and youth in an appropriate K to 12 educational setting.
  • Bachelor’s Degree or higher with 2.50 GPA. A GPA below a 2.50 may be considered when certain conditions are met. Preference given to candidates with GPA of 2.75 or higher.
  • All candidates for Graduate Education Programs are required to complete an application, interview, essay, and provide three recommendations.

For more information see Graduate Studies, email or call 603-358-2378.

Contact Admissions

Admissions Office
☎ 603-358-2276
229 Main Street
Keene, New Hampshire 03435