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Educational Leadership: School Principal

Educational Leadership Masters (M.Ed.). and Post-Masters Principal Licensure Program

Looking to earn an M.Ed. and license to become a Principal? Or, do you already have a Master’s and are seeking a Post-M.Ed. principal license? You can accomplish either at Keene State College. Our Educational Leadership programs meet New Hampshire licensure competencies for School Principal (grades K-12). The Educational Leadership program is approved by the NH Department of Education and Nationally Recognized by the Educational Leadership Constituent Council (ELCC), a division of the National Policy Board for Educational Administration.

  • Master of Education degree: with endorsement for NH Department of Education Principal (K-12) license
  • Post-Master’s Licensure Program: with endorsement for NH Department of Education Principal as Instructional Leader (K-12) license

Regional School Leadership Consortium

The Southwest NH Regional School Leadership Consortium (RSLC) collaborates with school districts to focus on building educator leadership capacity to the region. Consortium members have has assisted with curriculum development, and recruiting leadership talent, and designing initiatives in support of leadership development.

A Hands-On Approach

The KSC Educational Leadership Program is designed to encourage the development of school Principals who are actively involved in school transformation as catalysts for educational change and leaders in educational reform. The programs prepare future school Principals to work as advocates for all members of their school community and to create learning environments that focus on equity and success for all students.

The program is field-based; courses require students to directly apply theory and content to actual school settings through a project-based learning approach. Two semester-long internships for a total of 300 hours, include seminars and require students to demonstrate proficiencies as a beginning school principal.

Become an Effective Leader: Benefits of a Keene State M. Ed. or Post-Master’s program in Educational Leadership

  • Convenient schedules for working classroom teachers. Online/blended, evening, and weekend classes.
  • Full-Year Intensive Internship. Students participate in an internship that is connected to leadership activities in the school and district. Candidates can complete their internship as while in their teaching or administrative job.
  • Choose and design projects to meet your specific professional goals. The Educational Leadership programs offer flexibility and individualization for highly motivated teachers looking for a leadership role in an area of their choice. The final year of the M.Ed. focuses on action research connected to individual scholarly and professional choices. Students use the findings from their research to support school change initiatives in a chosen area – for instance, safe schools, budget and facility planning, protocols for crisis management, and others.
  • An M.Ed. in two years. Start in the summer term and complete your 36-credit Masters or a 27-credit Post-Masters Certification in two years, including two summers.
  • An exceptional tuition value. Tuition and fees competitive with and lower than surrounding schools, and a minimal premium for non-residents.
  • A highly regarded faculty holding classes in one of New Hampshire’s most comfortable, friendly, and exciting small cities.
  • Individual attention from admissions interview to graduation and beyond.
  • We want to hear your unique story. Every applicant receives an interview, setting the tone for an educational relationship with faculty mentors who take explicit interest in their students’ goals and their self-expression. These mentorships continue as graduates enter the field.

Admissions Requirements

  • Candidates must have a minimum of three years of full-time experience working with children and youth as a qualified educator in an approved educational setting.
  • Candidates must be employed at least half-time in an approved educational setting for the duration of the program.
  • Candidates for the Post-Master’s Certification Program must have earned a master’s degree in an appropriate field.
  • Bachelor’s Degree or higher with 2.50 GPA. A GPA below a 2.50 may be considered when certain conditions are met. Preference given to candidates with GPA of 2.75 or higher.
  • All candidates for Graduate Education Programs are required to complete an application, interview, essay, and provide three recommendations.
  • KSC may require a candidate have their professional background review by NHED prior to admission to the program.
  • Interested candidates from private schools, charter schools, or special education private providers should contact the program coordinator prior to applying to see if their workplace is an appropriate educational setting for the internship requirement in the program.

Major Requirements (36 credits)

Foundations in Leadership & Learning

EDUC-621 Inclusive Curriculum Design 3 credits
EDUC-631 Curriculum Management & Student Assessment 3 credits
EDUC-641 School Law and Ethics 3 credits
EDUC-651 Leader As Change Agent 3 credits


EDUCEL-631 Staff Selection, Supervision, and Evaluation 3 credits
EDUCEL-652 Budget Facilities & Safe Schools 3 credits
EDUCEL-695 Ed Leadership Internship I 1 credit
EDUCEL-696 Ed Leadership Internship II 4 credits
EDUCEL-697 Ed Leadership Internship III 4credits

Applied Research

EDUC-670 Educational Research Foundations 4 credits
EDUC-675 Educational Research Design 4 credits
EDUC-699 Education Research Capstone 1 credit

Tuition and Fees

2024-25 RatesIn-stateOut-of-stateFees
Part-Time Matriculated, Credit$569$658$122.90

For more information see Graduate Studies, email or call 603-358-2378.

Contact Admissions

Admissions Office
☎ 603-358-2276
229 Main Street
Keene, New Hampshire 03435