Academic Considerations
Academic considerations are an important part of study away program selection. Please keep in mind the following general considerations:
- Any course you pass on an approved study away program will transfer back to KSC automatically as an elective if you have not taken the course already.
- All study away courses are counted as pass/fail, and do not impact your KSC GPA.
- If you want a course to count towards Integrative Studies or your Major/Minor, you will need to fill out a Course Substitution Form. Note: It is highly recommended that all study away students complete this form prior to study away.
Study Away and Your Major/Minor
If you plan to take at least one study course in your major/minor, carefully review what approved study away programs have course offerings in your major/minor area. Please note that this list does not include NSE programs. If you are considering NSE, check out their website for information.
Study Away and Integrative Studies
It is possible to take one upper level integrative studies course while studying away.
Course Approvals for Major/Minors and Integrative Studies
Many courses on KSC approved study away programs have already been approved for Major/Minor or lower level Integrative Studies credit. These previously approved courses can be found on the Transfer Course Listing (check the specific university/program under “country” and then “institution”). In general, any course that has been approved to transfer in as a major/minor can be used as a lower level integrative studies course in that subject area course instead.
Registering for Study Away Program courses
Please be aware that the KSC approved study away programs differ significantly in their course registration processes. For some programs, you’ll register and have a guaranteed course schedule before the program start date, while at other programs you won’t register until the program begins. Course credits and the number of courses for a full course load vary from program to program. Make sure you know how many courses constitute a full course load at your program.
GEO staff and the host university/program are available to help you with academic issues, but the ultimate responsibility for selecting the appropriate program, registering and transferring credits is yours.