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Service Based and Private Scholarship Resources

Keene State values our veterans – for what you have done and for what you can contribute – and offers a number of resources to help make your experience at Keene State one that exceeds your expectations. Please be sure to review the Admissions’ Military Veterans page for a comprehensive review of our programs and requirements. Below are some of the specific funding options and their requirements.

  1. Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC)
  2. National Guard
  3. Post 9/11
  4. AmeriCorps
  5. Private Scholarship Websites

Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC)

National Guard

Keene State College students who are serving in the NH National Guard may qualify for Federal Tuition Assistance, National Guard Scholarships and/or a Tuition Waiver for all or a portion of tuition charges. Guard members should contact their commanding officer/unit administrator or NHNG Education Services Officer for more details about this program or to obtain a TAG form 621-1, NHNG Scholarship Application. This program is administered by the Financial Aid Office in conjunction with the NH National Guard. Students must complete a FAFSA by the March 1 priority deadline to qualify for this program. Out-of-state students who are active members of the NH National Guard may also qualify for in-state tuition rates through this program.

For more information, contact the National Guard at 1-800-GO-GUARD.or review their Quick Guide to Accessing Your Education Benefits.

Post 9/11

Students who are eligible for Chapter 33 Post 9/11 Educational Benefits should submit their documentation to Keene State’s certifying official for processing. Once the Financial Aid Office receives notification of the students eligibility from the certifying official, the student will be awarded their eligible Post 9/11 funds as part of their aid package. 

For more information, please visit the Registrar’s Office Veterans Services Information page.


Students who are members of AmeriCorps may use funds earned through this program to pay for tuition and other education-related expenses at Keene State College. Completed payment vouchers for this program should be submitted to the Student Accounts Office as soon as possible to ensure timely payment. Students must request payments electronically using the system, My AmeriCorps, to ensure timely payment.

Private Scholarship Websites

In addition to browsing large online databases, students are encouraged to search locally for other scholarship opportunities. In many communities, scholarships and loans are available locally, particularly for incoming freshmen. School principals and guidance counselors have information about these sources of assistance, which normally may be used at any institution recipients wish to attend. Most public libraries have information about funding sources for higher education. Students are cautioned to avoid any scholarship database or application that requires a fee.

Contact Student Financial Services

Keene State College
229 Main Street
Keene, NH 03435-2603

Book an Appointment with Student Financial Services
☎ 800-572-1909 / 603-358-2280
Fax: 603-358-2163

Icon of clock Hours of Operation

Walk-in support is available, we're in Elliot Center, room 107.

Monday – Friday:
8 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Closed on campus holidays.