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J.P. Dustin

Veteran Students

Veteran Students at Keene State College

Keene State values our veterans – for what you have done and for what you can contribute – and offers the following resources to help make your experience at Keene State one that exceeds your expectations. We are eager to help with the transition to college life, show you how to get involved with the college community, and make sure you have access to all programs and activities. We know your experience and your goals may be different than an 18-year-old’s, so we offer one-to-one advising and an expanded series of resources to ensure that your educational experience with us takes you wherever you want to go.

We can help you:

  • Clarify your life and career goals
  • Develop an educational plan that meets your objectives
  • Identify the educational resources available to you
  • Evaluate any previous educational credits
  • Help you take advantage of the Yellow Ribbon Program to help cover tuition & fees

Keene State College prohibits high-pressure recruitment tactics, and the use of commissions, bonuses, or other incentive payment programs given to employees or contractors for the purpose of securing enrollment of Service members. Prospective students are encouraged to contact their Educational Servicers Officer, or a counselor within their Military service for approval prior to enrollment.

I'm proudest of my service in Iraq, graduating from Keene State, and becoming a Second Lieutenant in the US Army.
-Eric Palmer

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Nicole Baker

I’ve had a lot of good professors who believe in me and have allowed me the opportunity to excel.
-Nicole Baker

Can I receive credit for prior learning?

It is possible to earn credits for learning that takes place at work and through certain life experiences through documentation of acquired knowledge and or/skills. Veterans and older students may have had jobs or responsibilities that taught skills and competencies that might be considered as the equivalent of what you could learn in a class and are therefore eligible for college credits. Credits may not duplicate successful course work or testing already completed by the learner. The decision to award credits is made by the chair of the department associated with the credits being sought. This department chair reviews the completed portfolio and recommends to the Registrar the number of credits to be awarded in the assessed areas. A $50 per credit fee is charged per credit attempted. Credits earned by portfolio assessment may be applied toward General Education requirements or open electives, or may replace major requirements if approved by the faculty of the major discipline through the course substitution process.

Veteran’s Support Services

In addition to our veteran’s coordinator, Keene State College also offers a Veteran’s Support Services group. Its goal is to implement and coordinate academic and social support programs that enable KSC veteran students to gain the greatest benefit from their educational experience. In all pursuits, Veterans Student Support Services (VSS) strives to:

  • Enhance students’ opportunities for active involvement in the college and the Keene community.
  • Support individual and student group initiatives that address military to civilian transition issues.
  • Assure that student veterans have equal access to all academic, social, and recreational programs, groups and activities.
  • Promote and incorporate into every aspect of campus life an appreciation for veteran’s issues.

Contact the Veterans Coordinator

Bert Poirier
603-358-2271 ·
229 Main Street, Keene, New Hampshire 03435