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Grants and Scholarships

Keene State awards several categories of grants and scholarships that don’t have to be repaid.

First-Year and Transfer Student Merit Scholarships

Your hard work and success in school is recognized through Keene State’s Merit Scholarships to provide you with support for your college career.

As a first-year or transfer student applicant, you are considered for all merit awards and you don’t have to submit an additional application or essay. These scholarships may be awarded to you if you plan to attend Keene State full-time to earn a degree and if you meet the academic requirements for the scholarships at the time your admissions application is reviewed.

The scholarships are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis, and we will make sure that you get the highest award for which you qualify. Please note that these funds are used to pay for your tuition only (not housing, meal plans, books, or other costs). Award ranges are listed below – they are relative to the costs of in-state and out-of-state attendance. These ranges are reviewed annually and can change from year to year.

President’s Award

The President’s Award recognizes outstanding academic accomplishment in school. This scholarship is offered to students who demonstrate superior academic performance and have earned a GPA between 3.5-4.0. NH students may receive a scholarship up to $6,000, and students from outside of NH may receive a scholarship up to $7,500.

Dean’s Award

The Dean’s Award is offered to students who are dedicated to their academic success, are engaged with their studies, and have earned a GPA between 3.0-3.49. New Hampshire students are eligible for a scholarship up to $4,000. Students from outside New Hampshire are eligible for a scholarship up to $7,000.

Enrichment Award

The Enrichment Award recognizes students who demonstrate the ability to succeed at Keene State and have earned a GPA between 2.40-2.99. New Hampshire students may receive a scholarship up to $2,000. Students from outside New Hampshire may receive up to $5,500.

Promise Award

As Keene State is committed to making education affordable to all, the Promise Award recognizes students who demonstrate academic potential but perhaps did not reach that potential while in high school. Students with a GPA below 2.40 may receive a Promise Award: New Hampshire students may receive a scholarship up to $2,000. Students from outside New Hampshire may receive up to $3,000.

Merit Scholarship Renewal

Merit scholarships are renewable for up to eight semesters, up to 10 semesters if pursuing a double major, and students must be enrolled full time (12 credits or more). Students are expected to make progress toward their degree and remain in good disciplinary standing. The GPA renewal requirements are President’s and Dean’s 3.0, Enrichment 2.5, and Promise 2.0.

Once you file your FAFSA with Keene State’s Federal School Code (002590), you will find out if you have access to additional need-based aid. Be sure to file as soon as possible to maximize your aid. Our financial aid counselors are here to answer questions you have and to help you get started.

Housing Scholarship

Housing Scholarships are available for all U.S. resident students who choose to live in our residence halls. NH-based students receive $500 and out-of-state students receive $2,500, renewable each year. This scholarship is available to all new incoming students for the 2024-2025 academic year.

Visit Scholarship

Get rewarded for taking the initiative! You’ve taken important steps to be informed and learn about your higher education options by visiting the Keene State campus and meeting with our admissions counselors. This $1,000 non-renewable scholarship is offered to all incoming students for the 2023-2024 academic year who have completed a registered visit to the Keene State campus. To schedule your registered visit, please contact Admissions.

Granite Guarantee at Keene State

Our Pledge to Your Education

The Granite Guarantee at Keene State covers the cost of tuition for all New Hampshire students who are Pell eligible and enrolling at KSC for the first time. This program bridges the gap between a recipient’s total federal and state aid, institutional gift aid and the cost of in-state tuition ($11,754 for 2023-24). Qualified students must be enrolled full-time for both the Fall 2023 and the Spring 2024 semesters.

Ongoing Support

Granite Guarantee eligible students will receive continued support throughout their four years at KSC as long as they:

  • Remain continuously enrolled at KSC for all four years
  • Remain enrolled full-time (12 credits or more each term)
  • Remain Pell-eligible, as determined by the FAFSA
  • Continue making satisfactory academic progress toward a degree
  • Complete a renewal FAFSA by the March 1 deadline

International Scholarship

International Student Scholarships are available to non-U.S. residents who attend Keene State. Students may receive up to $6,500 to help cover tuition, housing, and student fees.

Talent Scholarships

Talent scholarships ranging from $1,000 to $4,500 are offered in the following disciplines: Art and Design, Music, Theatre and Dance, and Film. These scholarships are awarded to first time incoming students and are renewable for an additional 3 years provided you meet the renewal criteria. Additional steps are required to be considered for one of these scholarships (an audition, or submission of work). Talent scholarships are renewable per departmental approval. Typically, students need to remain in the major and meet minimum GPA requirements. For more information contact your admissions counselor or the Music department.

STEM Scholarships

STEM scholarships are awarded to incoming first year students who have declared a major in one of the many sciences related majors offered at Keene State. Award amount is $3,000 and renewable for an additional 3 years if the student maintains a 3.0 GPA and remains enrolled in an eligible program. Decisions for these awards are made by the Admissions office at the time of acceptance.

Keene State Grants

The Keene State grant is based on demonstrated financial need, as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Award amounts vary and are reevaluated annually using the FAFSA. Students must be enrolled at least half time (6 credits or more). Returning students must complete their FAFSA by the March 1 deadline.

FAFSA Scholarship
More than 95% of Keene State students receive aid from Keene State. To ensure all students don’t miss out on this opportunity, we provide $500 just for completing your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). This is a one-time incentive, offered to incoming students, and is available to all students who complete their FAFSA and enroll at Keene State. Use Keene State’s college code: 002590 To set up your FSA User ID and complete the application, visit

Federal Grants and State Aid Programs

Federal Pell Grant

The FederalPell grant is a need-based grant awarded to undergraduate students who have not yet earned a bachelor’s degree. Students are automatically considered when they file the FAFSA each year. For the 2023-24 year, the maximum Federal Pell grant is $7,395, and eligibility is determined using the student’s Student Aid Index (SAI) from the FAFSA.


The Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant, is a federal grant available to undergraduate students demonstrating exceptional financial need. Exceptional financial need is defined as those students with the lowest Student Aid Index (SAI) who will also receive a Pell Grant in that year. Students are automatically considered when they file the FAFSA each year. Eligibility is determined by the Student Financial Services Office based upon analysis of the FAFSA each year. The average FSEOG award at Keene State is $600.

NH State Grant Programs

NH Governor’s Scholarship

To be eligible for the New Hampshire Governor’s Scholarship, a student must:

  • Be eligible for a Federal PELL Grant
  • Be a New Hampshire resident who has graduated from a NH high school
  • Be a first-time college student
  • Meet the requirements around legal offenses. Details can be found in the House bill for the scholarship located here. Look at item (c) under “Scholarship Recipient Eligibility” for details.

Students with the NH Scholars designation their senior year in high school will be eligible for $2,000 annually, others will be eligible for $1,000 for up to four years. Awards are limited and not guaranteed to all eligible students. The NH Governor’s scholarship renew criteria requires a 2.5 GPA for New Hampshire Scholars. All others must maintain a 2.0. If the student loses the award for any reason, it will not be reinstated. The NH Governor’s Scholarship cannot be transferred to another school if an eligible student chooses to transfer.

NH UNIQUE Programs

These programs provide access and choice for deserving high need New Hampshire residents enrolling in a NH institution. Students are automatically considered when they file the FAFSA each year.

UNIQUE Endowment

With an annual award of $1,400, students must be a NH resident, be eligible for a Federal Pell grant, enrolled full time, and working on their 1st bachelor’s degree.


The annual award is $1,300, students must be a NH resident, have a zero or negative SAI, and be working on their 1st bachelor’s degree.

Vermont State Grant

Our neighbors in Vermont may use their VT Incentive grant while attending KSC. VT students must be enrolled full time and meet all of the established criteria for the VT Incentive grant. Please visit ( for more information). Students must complete the FAFSA each year to be considered.

Other Opportunities

New England Regional Student Program – Keene State College participates in the New England Board of Higher Education’s Regional Student Program. Each New England state university offers a number of undergraduate curricula which are open to students from the other New England states. Students enrolled under this program pay a reduced out-of-state tuition rate. Further information about eligible programs is available at

  1. Incoming students should speak with their admissions counselor to determine eligibility
  2. Returning students should contact the admissions office directly to determine eligibility

New Hampshire Charitable Fund – New Hampshire residents pursuing undergraduate or graduate study at approved institutions of postsecondary education are eligible to apply for grants and interest-free and low-interest loans from this fund. Information and applications are available from the New Hampshire Charitable Fund Student Aid Program online or by calling 603-225-6641.

Vocational Rehabilitation Programs – Every state operates a vocational rehabilitation program to assist people with a variety of disabilities to return to productive activity. In certain cases, a vocational rehabilitation agency will assist disabled students to meet their college expenses. Students should contact their local agency.

Endowed and Annual Gift Scholarships

Active Endowed Scholarship Application

The annual Endowed Scholarship Application for our returning students only typically opens for applications in early February and closes in early April. More details can be found here. The renewability of endowed scholarships is determined by the donor.

Students who might not otherwise have a chance to attend college have the opportunity to do so through the dedication and support of alumni and friends who established these Scholarship Funds. The College and the student recipients deeply appreciate this generosity.

KSC Endowed Scholarships

The University System of New Hampshire (USNH) is a not-for-profit, educational institution organized in 1963 under the laws of the State of New Hampshire. It includes Keene State College, Granite State College, Plymouth State University, and the University of New Hampshire at both Durham and Manchester. The fund principal is invested in perpetuity by the Trustees of the University System of New Hampshire, and income is used in accordance with donor wishes.

Persons or organizations interested in establishing a fund or adding to one of our list of funds are invited to contact the Office of Development at 603-358-2372.

Keene Endowment Association Scholarships

The Keene Endowment Association (KEA) was founded in 1957 as an independent charitable entity to provide assistance to deserving students at Keene State College. The KEA operates as a trust, separate from Keene State College and the University System of New Hampshire. The fund principal is invested in perpetuity by the Trustees of the KEA, and income is used in accordance with donor wishes.

Persons or organizations interested in establishing a fund or adding to one of the existing funds, are invited to contact the Office of Development at 603-358-2372.

Annual Gift Scholarships

Annual gift scholarships are made possible by donors interested in supporting Keene State College students and recognizing their particular interests and abilities. Persons or organizations interested in establishing such scholarships may contact the Office of Development at 603-358-2372.

Application Process

The availability of Endowed and Annual Gift Scholarships varies from year to year, based on each individual fund’s market performance.

Returning students are eligible to apply for a number of select scholarships via an online application available in early February for the following academic year. Visit our home page in February for more information. The scholarship application is typically due early April. Eligible recipients will be notified with communications from both the Advancement Office and the Financial Aid Office over the summer.

Other funds are awarded via department selections, unsolicited reviews of complete financial aid applications, and appeal requests.

Service Based and Private Scholarship Resources

Keene State values our veterans – for what you have done and for what you can contribute – and offers a number of resources to help make your experience at Keene State one that exceeds your expectations. Please be sure to review the Admissions’ Military Veterans page for a comprehensive review of our programs and requirements. Below are some of the specific funding options and their requirements.

Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC)

National Guard

Keene State College students who are serving in the NH National Guard may qualify for Federal Tuition Assistance, National Guard Scholarships and/or a Tuition Waiver for all or a portion of tuition charges. Guard members should contact their commanding officer/unit administrator or NHNG Education Services Officer for more details about this program or to obtain a TAG form 621-1, NHNG Scholarship Application. This program is administered by the Student Financial Services Office in conjunction with the NH National Guard. Students must complete a FAFSA by the March 1 priority deadline to qualify for this program each year. Out-of-state students who are active members of the NH National Guard may also qualify for in-state tuition rates through this program.

For more information, contact the National Guard at 1-800-GO-GUARD.or review their Quick Guide to Accessing Your Education Benefits.

Post 9/11

Students who are eligible for Chapter 33 Post 9/11 Educational Benefits should submit their documentation to Keene State’s certifying official for processing. Once the Student Financial Services Office receives notification of the student’s eligibility from the certifying official, the student will be awarded their eligible Post 9/11 funds as part of their aid package. 

For more information, please visit the Registrar’s Office Veterans Services Information page.


Students who are members of AmeriCorps may use funds earned through this program to pay for tuition and other education-related expenses at Keene State College. Completed payment vouchers for this program should be submitted to the Student Financial Services Office as soon as possible to ensure timely payment. Students must request payments electronically using the system, My AmeriCorps, to ensure timely payment.

Private Scholarship Websites

In addition to browsing large online databases, students are encouraged to search locally for other scholarship opportunities. In many communities, scholarships and loans are available locally, particularly for incoming freshmen. School principals and guidance counselors have information about these sources of assistance, which normally may be used at any institution recipients wish to attend. Most public libraries have information about funding sources for higher education. Students are cautioned to avoid any scholarship database or application that requires a fee.

Endowed Scholarship Application

Please provide the information at the Keene State College Scholarship Opportunities homepage to be considered for KSC Annual Gifts / Endowed Scholarships that require an application. You must be a current KSC student to apply.

The deadline for submission of KSC Scholarship applications is April 30, 2024, at 4:30pm.

Contact Student Financial Services

Keene State College
229 Main Street
Keene, NH 03435-2603

Book an Appointment with Student Financial Services
☎ 800-572-1909 / 603-358-2280
Fax: 603-358-2163

Icon of clock Hours of Operation

Walk-in support is available, we're in Elliot Center, room 107.

Monday – Friday:
8 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Closed on campus holidays.