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Kalila Brooks

Program Overview

Writing is not approached as an exercise, but as a way of communicating with clarity and purpose. Quantitative analysis is not done in a workbook, but as a way of understanding and solving real-world problems. Courses such as Angels and Fallen Women, Black Music Blues Nation, The Downside of Certainty, Why We Create, Measuring Fair Trade, The No-Impact Experiment, or Numbers from Wall Street inspire students to conduct research, think critically, reason quantitatively, write effectively, and imagine innovative connections across disciplinary boundaries.

Program Requirements

Every Keene State College student is required to complete a total of 40 credits within the Integrative Studies Program, including a minimum of two courses in residency at the 300 or 400 level. Foundations courses lay the groundwork for intellectual engagement at a higher level. Perspectives courses assure a broad knowledge base while allowing the student to explore areas outside of the chosen Major. Interdisciplinary courses combine scholarship from multiple disciplines in innovative ways.

The 10 Integrative Studies Program courses are distributed in this way:


  • ITW 101: Thinking and Writing
  • Quantitative Literacy Competency


  • One Fine and Performing Arts (IA)
  • One Humanities (IH),
  • One additional Fine and Performing Arts OR Humanities (IA or IH)
  • One Social Science (IS)
  • One Natural Science (IN)
  • One additional Social OR Natural Science (IS or IN)


  • One Interdisciplinary (II)


  • One additional IA, IH, IS, IN, or II

When looking for an ISP Perspectives course search for the department you are interested in first. On the English page, for example, one will find IHENG 191 Readings in Literature. The first two letters indicate the course would fulfill the “Humanities” requirement. “ENG” denotes that it is offered by the English Department, and a number in the 100s means it is a beginning level course. The English department also offers IAENG202 Creative Nonfiction Writing. This course fulfills the “Art” requirement but, as a 200 level course, requires ITW101 Thinking and Writing be completed first.

Contact the Integrative Studies Program

Celia Rabinowitz
Dean of Mason Library
☎ 603-358-2736