The Wellness Center staff are committed to wellness promotion strategies designed to support the health and wellbeing of our community, support the resilience of our students and foster skills to prevent problems. Below are some of the programs we engage in. We are always eager to collaborate with students and others on wellness promotion activities, please be in touch: or 603-358-2047.
- Student Peer Education Opportunities
- Addictions & Alcohol and Other Drug Use Prevention and Education
- Suicide Prevention
Student Peer Education Opportunities
- Wellness Ambassadors - This peer education program promotes healthy behaviors and supports student emotional wellbeing. Students who have taken Public Health’s Health in Society academic course are eligible to apply for this position. Fall recruitment information will be shared soon. Stay tuned!
- Bringing In the Bystander - description and contact info coming
- Student Support Network - description and contact info coming
- Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP) - MVP is an award winning peer education program coordinated by the Wellness Center. The MVP peer educators conduct events and programs throughout campus in res halls, with Athletics teams, fraternities and sororities and in classrooms. Any student interested in helping MVP with it’s mission, “Students Helping Students End Sexual Violence,” is welcome to contact the MVP Advisor Forrest Seymour (, 603-358-2047) or fill out the online application. To request a program for your class or organization contact Forrest (, 603-358-2047).
- Sexual Assault & Violence Education (SAVE) Committee - The SAVE Committee is open to all KSC community members and works in collaboration with the MCVP: Crisis & Prevention Center. Together we plan and coordinate sexual violence prevention & education events throughout the year including for Domestic Violence Awareness Month in October and Sexual Assault Awareness Month in April. Typical events include the What Were You Wearing? gallery show, Take Back The Night marches the Clothesline Project and more. Open meetings take place on Mondays at 3:30pm. Please contact Forrest (, 603-358-2047) for location information.
Addictions & Alcohol and Other Drug Use Prevention and Education
The Wellness Center is committed to helping students succeed personally and academically by making healthy and informed choices around drugs and alcohol. Our Alcohol Education Class, and our BASICS and CASICS programs are non-judgmental and student centered, designed to provide current, relevant information about alcohol and other drugs and the effects they can have on students’ lives. These programs also offer students an opportunity to talk with a Counselor about any other concerns they may have and to learn how the Counseling Center and/or other resources may be of assistance.
Referrals to the Alcohol Education Class, and the BASICS and CASICS programs are typically made by the Office of Community Standards, though the BASICS and CASICS programs are available to all students. The Wellness Center can also provide confidential consultation and referrals to any students with problems or concerns related to alcohol and drug use.
Referred Learning Program (RLP)
The Referred Learning Programs (RLP) are evidence based intervention programs that are focused on increasing awareness of the impacts of Alcohol and Other Drugs. Students are usually referred to these programs if they have violated the Keene State College Drug and Alcohol Policy, however students can choose to enroll themselves as well.
RLP- Under the Influence
The Under the Influence program is a 3-hour online education class. This program assesses current behaviors through a self-assessment tool (e-CHUG), educates students about alcohol and harm reduction techniques, and identifies on and off campus resources.
RLP- Marijuana 101
The Marijuana 101 program is a 3-hour online education course. This course discusses marijuana’s effects on the brain, health issues, school and job performance, and the consequences and realities of using marijuana. This intervention course also includes the e-TOKE self-assessment.
RLP- Under the Influence and Marijuana 101 Enrollment Instructions
You’ll need access to an internet connected computer and an email address. To complete either program, please print out this page. You must follow the instructions step-by-step to successfully complete your assigned program. Choose the registration directions that apply to you and then follow the directions entitled “Course Completion.”
Third Millennium student support: 888-810-7990 and
Registration if You Did Alcohol Wise Prior to Orientation or other 3rd Millennium Course Previously
- Go to and click “STUDENT” as the user type.
- Enter the same email address (case sensitive) and password you used for Alcohol-Wise. Click “Log in”.
- If you can’t remember your password, click “Forgot Password”
- You will be taken to a page that asks you to enter your email, and your password will be emailed to you.
- Click on the link in the email that says “RESET PASSWORD” and follow the instructions from there. This will log you into your account.
- Once you are logged into your student course profile, you will see a list of the course(s) you have already taken.
- In the bottom left corner, click on the blue button that says “Enroll in an Additional Course”
- Find the red lettering that says “IF YOU HAVE YOUR INSTRUCTIONS AND KNOW YOUR CONTROL…”
In the box enter one of these codes: DO NOT GUESS!
Under the Influence enter KSC7
Marijuana 101 enter KSCMJ - Click “Continue”
- Verify that you are enrolling in the correct course and click “Continue”
- On the next screen, enter your student ID number and click “Continue”
- From the Confirm Course Enrollment screen, make sure your information is correct and click “Continue”. Make sure to write down your password
- Continue with the Course Completion directions below.
Registration if You Have Not Done a Third Millennium Course Previously
- Go to and click the orange button that says “Sign Up for a Course”
- Find the red lettering that says “IF YOU HAVE YOUR INSTRUCTIONS AND KNOW YOUR CONTROL…”
In the box enter one of these codes: DO NOT GUESS!
Under the Influence enter KSC7
Marijuana 101 enter KSCMJ - Click “Continue”
- Verify that you are enrolling in the correct course and click “Continue”
- Fill out all the information requested under New Student Information and Login Information
- Click “Continue”
- On the next screen, enter your student ID number and click “continue”
- On the Confirm Course Enrollment screen, make sure your information is correct and click “Continue”
- From the Course Enrollment screen, write down your password, click “Start Course Now”
- Continue with the Course Completion directions below.
BASICS (Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention for College Students) is a 1 to 2 session alcohol screening and discussion designed to assist students in examining their own drinking behavior in a judgment-free environment.
The goals are largely selected by the student. BASICS aims to reduce risky behaviors and the harmful consequences of drinking by increasing awareness and the use of protective behaviors. Students are generally referred to the BASICS program through the Office of Student Conduct, however the BASICS program is available to all students.
To schedule a BASICS session contact the Wellness Center at 603-358-2200.
Suicide Prevention
- Fresh Check Day - an uplifting mental health promotion and suicide prevention event for colleges that includes interactive expo booths, peer-to-peer messaging, support of multiple campus departments and groups, free food, entertainment, and exciting prizes and giveaways. Fresh Check Day aims to create an approachable and hopeful atmosphere where students are encouraged to engage in dialogue about mental health and helps to build a bridge between students and the mental health resources available on campus, in the community, and nationally.