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Site Supervisor

Site supervisors are the school-based extension of the college in elementary education settings for student teaching placements and are selected by principals. They serve as liaisons with Keene State College.

Roles and Responsibilities

The site supervisor will:

Act as the support person for both the student teacher and the cooperating teacher, and as the liaison with the college

Facilitate placements with the Educator Preparation Office Placement and Partnership Coordinator

Orient student teachers to the school, teachers, various subjects, and policies/procedures. Serve as a formal observer and evaluator for each student teacher assigned to him/her

Conduct 4-6 on-site seminars for student teachers. Please contact the student teaching course instructors for proposed topics.

Submit evaluations on the Tk20 online assessment system

Required Forms

The following paperwork for site supervisors must be on file with the Educator Preparation Office:


Student Teaching Evaluation Forms

Student Teaching Calendar

Contact Educator Preparation

To learn more about Educator Preparation Programs at Keene State College, please contact the Educator Preparation Office or Education Program Faculty.

Educator Preparation Office
Rhodes Hall, N123 and N128
229 Main Street

Keene, New Hampshire 03435