Peer Course Assistants (PCAs) are assigned to support students in specific 100-level mathematics courses and the Calculus sequence. The availability of PCAs varies from semester to semester, depending on the instructors. Typically, each PCA helps the instructor in and out of the classroom and holds approximately 3 hours of scheduled study sessions per week. Students are surveyed at the beginning of each semester to determine the best times for study sessions.
Unlike tutors, Peer Course Assistants do not have to be math majors. Ideally, the PCA has already taken the course with the instructor, has excelled in it, and has developed a rapport with the instructor.
The following typically have PCAs:
- MATH 111 – Applied College Algebra
- MATH 112 – Pre-Calculus
- MATH 141 – Introductory Statistics
- MATH 211 – Calculus I
- MATH 212 – Calculus II
- MATH 171 – Math for Prek-6 Educators I
- MATH 172 – Math for Prek-6 Educators II