Accident Reporting and Investigation
In the event of a fire, large chemical spill, or any incident where immediate emergency medical attention is needed, please call 911 immediately!
If you are not sure outside help or medical attention is needed, contact Campus Safety at 603-358-2228. In the event of a motor vehicle accident, small gas spill, or small chemical spill, contact Campus Safety at 603-358-2228.
An employee who experiences an accident or is injured while at work should report information about the incident immediately to his or her supervisor. If non urgent medical attention is required, Keene State College worker’s compensation medical providers are either the Emergency Room at Cheshire Medical Center or the Dartmouth Keene Clinic Occupational Health department.
Incident review and reporting should be completed as soon as possible after the incident occurs. The supervisor is responsible for gathering the information from the employee in order to complete the form. The goal of the incident review is to determine the root cause of the incident and prevent recurrence. It is not to assign blame or fault. Remember to ask who, what, where, when and why. If you have any questions, please contact the EHS Coordinator at
The incident report form should be used to report any accident, injury, occupational illness, or “near miss” incident involving a KSC employee, student, contract employee, or visitor to the campus. The form must be filed with the KSC Human Resource Management Office within two days of the date of the incident/injury/illness. A copy must be sent to the EHS office as well to
If you see something you believe to be a hazard, please notify the EHS department by emailing or submit a Facilities Maintenace Request Order which can be found under the Facilities section of the KSC Webpage.