Students at the CDC
As a demonstration site for early childhood majors in the Keene State College Educator Preparation Program, the staff at the Child Development Center create a high-quality learning and care environment for young children to develop as individuals within the center community. Each of our classroom teams include a facilitating teacher with a master’s degree who is responsible for mentoring and evaluating the academic students. Our Academic Program Coordinator oversees all placements at the CDC.
This ‘best-practices’ model offers Early Childhood students experiences to create positive relationships with children and families, develop age appropriate curriculum and assessment strategies, design the classroom environment and practice their role as teachers of young children.
Student Teachers
As part of their course requirements Early Childhood student teachers take over all responsibilities of the classroom teacher during their solo teaching weeks during the 5th and 6th week of their full time seven week placement. To be effective in this practice our student teachers plan and implement curriculum, assess children’s progress, set up the learning environment, lead routines and transitions, communicate with families, and document their work through portfolios.
Methods Students
Early Childhood Methods Students complete field work at the Child Development Center each week. Methods students spend four mornings per week in the classroom. They plan learning experiences, observe teachers and children, lead group times, supervise children in play, and complete a semester long child study and curriculum portfolio.
Observations, Research and Internships
In addition to the required placements, students from other Keene State College programs and from the greater community participate at our center. Some of the KSC departments we have served are Music, Health Science, Psychology, and Nursing. We encourage the use of the CDC as an observation site for the study of young children and of best practices in early childhood education. All projects and observations are approved by the Academic Program Coordinator in consultation with the CDC Director.