Applying for CCI Funding
- What has changed?
- How are applications reviewed?
- What are reviewers looking for?
- Required Information
- Apply
Please note: Updated dates and information for 2024 CCI funding coming soon.
What has changed?
We have replaced the various programs that have provided support for undergraduate research in the past, along with their varying deadlines, criteria, and restrictions, with a new, universal CCI Grant program. (Please note that the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship program will continue to operate independently.) There is no limit on the amount of requests or restrictions on how funds can be used (though all expenditures must be for the purpose of supporting undergraduate research and conform to the policies and procedures of the Purchasing Office). Awards will be made six times during each academic year, with application deadlines published on the CCI website.
How are applications reviewed?
All applications will go through a two-tier review process:
- Three faculty members from a CCI Grant review committee will review and score the applications based strictly on merit;
- The coordinators of the Center for Creative Inquiry will then make awards based both on reviewer recommendations and a desire for an equitable distribution of funds among schools and kinds of activities (e.g. conference attendance, travel, supplies).
What are reviewers looking for?
The faculty committee reviewing each proposal will consider the following evaluation criteria:
- Academic rigor
- a. If relevant, is the methodology clear and appropriate to professional standards?
- b. Is there potential impact on the field?
- c. Is there a benefit to Keene State’s academic reputation?
- Clarity of writing
- Potential impact on students
- a. Is there potential impact on student engagement?
- b. Is there potential for advancement of students’ educational or career goals?
- Budget (clear, justified)
- Faculty letter of recommendation. Should speak to student’s preparation for the project and also to the faculty mentor’s level of involvement with the preparation of the proposal.
This universal application form is meant to provide maximum flexibility for applicants to think boldly and creatively and propose projects that may not have fit neatly into one of the previous categories of funding. Since the application is designed to meet the needs of a wide variety of requests, some applications should be supported with more documentation while others will need less. As a general rule, requests for larger dollar amounts should provide more supporting documentation.
- A faculty request for support for a field experience (a trip off campus) would only require a brief description of the event and a budget justification.
- A student request for support for travel to a conference should be supported by a description of the trip and its relevance to his/her studies, and should include a budget and a letter from a mentor.
- A request for a more substantial project – such as support for a film project or extensive laboratory research – should also include a brief review of relevant scholarly literature that provides context for the proposed project, as well as additional supporting material if relevant.
Required Information
Information the form is asking for:
- Primary applicant’s name and contact information;
- Applicant status (i.e. student, faculty, or teaching staff);
- Academic discipline (choose from a drop-down menu);
- Project personnel (names and class status for everyone involved in the project. For faculty applying for support for a field experience, class number and title are sufficient);
- Budget justification (budget breakdown and brief description of the importance to the proposed project);
- Indication of need for specific approvals – IRB, IACUC, hazardous waste disposal, student travel. Note: These approvals cannot be granted by CCI. Links to the relevant websites are provided;
- Project description – Tell us about your proposed project and its relevance to your studies (if you are a student) or for your students (if you are faculty/teaching staff). Project description should be no more than three pages, with an additional page of citations and references if relevant – four pages maximum;
- Mentor’s letter of reference (if applicant is a student);
- Supporting documentation (if relevant) – e.g. tables or appendices, additional letters of support.
Updated dates and information for 2024 CCI funding coming soon.