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From Math Major to Math Teacher – in Liberia

Andy Penfield
Andy Penfield in Liberia

What’s it like to serve in the Peace Corps in Liberia? Andy Penfield ’15 is finding out first-hand – and sharing his experiences through a blog, Andy’s Peace Corps Adventure.

The mathematics and physics major from Westford, Massachusetts, underwent 11 weeks of training over the summer, including learning “Liberian English,” and in mid-August was sworn in and settled in Bomi Counti, where he will be teaching math school math.

Here are his impressions of his training, as recorded in the blog:

“Personally reflecting on these 11 weeks has been very good for me. I have developed some great friends here that will last a lifetime. Also being in a different culture and different place has allowed me to reflect on my life growing up and the challenges I faced. I imagine that many more changes will come during these next two years as I learn more about myself and discover my identity in life and what really drives and motivates me. I have gained so much confidence and opened to some people in ways I would never have thought were possible before.

“Thanks to everyone who has helped me. Hold on tight – the journey is only beginning. I can’t wait to see what these next two years have in store for me – both as a teacher professionally, and also personally.”

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