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How to Apply

Home-Schooled Applicants

  1. Complete using the Common Application with no application fee.
  2. Admissions at Keene State is handled very similarly for homeschoolers as it is for traditionally schooled students. We actively seek out and encourage homeschoolers to apply! Students are expected to submit a transcript containing a list of coursework with descriptions. Students must meet all state regulations per their home state. Please make an appointment with the Director of Admissions if you have any questions concerning applying and enrolling at Keene State College.
  3. Complete the FAFSA and ask that your ISIR be shared with KSC. Our FAFSA number is 002590


  1. If you are a first-time Freshman, apply using the the Common Application with no application fee.
  2. If you are a transfer student, complete and submit the Transfer Application
  3. Submit official final high school transcript
  4. If you are transferring to KSC, submit all official college transcripts and the Confidential Recommendation Form
  5. Complete the FAFSA and ask that your ISIR be shared with KSC. Our FAFSA number is 002590

International Students

Keene State College welcomes well-qualified students from outside of the United States. Students from more than 20 countries are currently enrolled, helping enrich the educational opportunities of all.

Most international students enter Keene State with some academic credit from their home institutions. Transfer credit - including final years of secondary schooling - may be granted after a determination of the type of institution involved in its recognition by the educational authorities in the home country, and an evaluation of the content, level, and comparability of the study of courses and programs at Keene State.

A complete application for an international student requires the following:

  • A completed application using the common application
  • Official copies of secondary and postsecondary academic records with official English translations, when necessary, including:
    • Transcripts/marks sheets/grade reports of all course works completed with grades or marks for each course indicated
    • A course-by-course evaluation of international educational credentials completed by a member of the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services, Inc. A list is available from the Office of National and International Exchange, 603-258-2348.
  • International students living in the United States for two or more years attending high school must take the SAT.
  • For students whose primary language of instruction is not English: Demonstrated proof of language proficiency can either be established by on-campus interviews, or successful completion of the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) with total scores of 550 or above on the paper based or 213 on the computer-based test or 80 (internet version) for undergraduates. TOEFL information is available at American embassies and consulates, offices of the U.S. International Communications agency, U.S. education commissions, foundations, and binational centers, or by writing to TOEFL, Box 899, Princeton, NJ 08541. Keene State also accepts the IELTS International English Language Testing System English Language proficiency examination in lieu of TOEFL; the minimum acceptable proficiency grade is 6.5. IELTS scores must be sent directly from the testing agency.
  • Documentation of financial support. Prospective international students must complete the Certification of Finances as well as submit a certified bank statement that funds are available upon admission to the college. The demonstrated level of support, not only covers tuition, room and board, but also for living expenses (spending money, books, etc.), is necessary.

Readmission Requirements

Matriculated students who have voluntarily withdrawn from the College, or have been separated from the College due to academic or disciplinary suspension, must apply for readmission. Students on an official leave of absence do not need to request readmission. Students seeking readmission will be subject to the catalog requirements and academic standards for the academic year they are readmitted to the College. The Admissions Office will provide advisement for students on the correct procedures for readmission.

Criteria for Readmission

Admissions will consider academic, financial, and personal criteria prior to granting or denying readmission. Students who left the College in good personal and academic standing, and have not jeopardized their status during their absence, should not experience difficulty in being readmitted.

A student academically suspended from the college will be considered for readmission to the college following one regular KSC academic year semester (fall or spring) away from the college.  During the suspension, the student is eligible (but not required) to take courses at Keene State College through the Graduate Studies and Extended Education department or any other college or university.

If the student chooses to enroll in courses during their time away, it would be recommended they complete academic courses and consult with an advisor at KSC prior to enrollment.

For students attempting to return after academic suspension, the following minimum criteria form the basis for a decision on readmission but do not imply that readmission is automatic:

  • Students seeking readmission to the college will be directed to begin the process in admissions by completing the application for readmission.  An admissions counselor will connect with them immediately. 
  • Admissions staff will advise on application as New Start or Continuation.  

Students seeking readmission to Keene State College, with no outstanding financial obligation to the college, will provide the following information:

  • Completed Application for Readmission and choose the New Start or Continuation Program. 
  • If employed during separation from the college, letter of recommendation from a supervisor. 
  • If the student chooses to enroll at any other college or university while away from Keene State, an official transcript will be required upon completion of coursework

New Start Program

After a break of at least one full academic semester, a student who is not in good academic standing may seek readmission to the College under the New Start Program. Only students with a cumulative grade point average of below 2.0 are eligible for New Start. Students readmitted under the New Start Program essentially discard their previous cumulative averages. All courses and grades will be retained on the permanent transcript, but records will carry forward only credits, not grades, from previous course work that received a grade of C or better.

No minimum grade point average is required for readmission under the New Start Program. Grades earned at Keene State College prior to matriculation are not included in the computation of the student’s cumulative grade point average. Once readmitted, a student must achieve the minimum grade point average appropriate to his or her current standing.

A student may elect the New Start Program only one time and must do so at the time of application for readmission.

A nonmatricualted, continuing education student who has completed course work at Keene State College may elect to be admitted under the New Start Program.

Continuation Program

Students readmitted under the Continuation Program begin where they left off in terms of cumulative averages earned during previous academic work at Keene State.

In an effort to raise their cumulative averages, students may elect to use the “forgiveness policy,” which allows them to repeat courses once in which grades of C/D or less were received. Only the last grade received will be used in calculating the cumulative average. If a student repeats courses at another college or university, that institution must be regionally accredited, and the student must earn a grade of C or higher in the course(s) to be transferred. Keene State College will accept only the credit earned, not the grade. The original grade earned at Keene State will remain on the permanent transcript, but will not be included in the calculation of the cumulative grade point average. The student is responsible for reviewing, in advance, the content of any course to be repeated at another institution to determine whether the course is acceptable as equal under the forgiveness policy. The appropriate discipline coordinator should be consulted to assist in the determination of course equivalency.

New England Regional Student Program

Keene State College participates in a regional cooperative program, administered by the New England Board of Higher Education, which permits qualified, matriculated New England residents to study with reduced tuition and admission privileges in certain programs at other state colleges and universities.

This program expands higher education opportunities for New Englanders by making available to all residents on an equal basis majors or courses not commonly offered at every institution, thus reducing duplication of programs and utilizing more efficiently the higher education facilities for each state.

Matriculated students are identified as an eligible participate in the NERSP at the time of admission to the College. Eligible students have a significantly less than the out-of-state tuition rate.

Bachelors Degree Programs Available to Residents of
B.A. Holocaust and Genocide Studies CT, MA, ME, RI, VT
B.S. Sustainable Product Design and Innovation CT, MA, ME, RI , VT

Information about this program may be obtained from the Admissions or Academic and Career Advising Offices, high school guidance counselors, or

New England Board of Higher Education
45 Temple Place, Boston, MA 02111

Art Applicants

There are portfolio reviews for admittance into the Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in the sophomore year for Graphic Design and in the junior year Studio Art. Students who wish to pursue in the B.F.A. in Art & Design must participate in both the Graphic Design and Studio Art portfolio reviews.

Music Applicants

Music candidates: If you are interested in the Bachelor of Arts degree in Music, the Bachelor of Music degree in Performance, Music Education, Composition, or Music Technology, or the music minor, admission is a two-step process.

  1. Apply using the Common Application with no application fee.
  2. Schedule an audition.

Admission to the music program does not guarantee admission to the College, and, conversely, non-admission to the music program does not mean that you cannot be admitted to the College.

Deferred Admission

Admitted students who would like to postpone enrollment at KSC for a semester or a year can request to defer their application. A deferral enables a student to reserve their space at the college. Requests for deferrals must be put in writing and sent via e-mail to

All deferrals are subject to approval. Deposits can be carried forward and applied to the following semester or year.

Contact Admissions

Admissions Office
☎ 603-358-2276
229 Main Street
Keene, New Hampshire 03435