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All Other On-Campus Employment

Students who are not eligible for a Federal Work Study Award are still eligible to work on campus under KSC’s Student Hourly Program. The College provides complete financial support to the Student Hourly Program, and the Financial Aid Office administers it.

Jobs are posted online, labeled as “SH” for Student Hourly. Students are allowed to work up to 20 hours per week depending on the department’s needs. Students are paid every two weeks and are expected to budget these earnings for education expenses.

Please Note:

  • Students who are eligible for Federal Work Study, and therefore have the greatest financial need, are given priority in finding on-campus positions during the first two weeks of each semester.
  • After the two-week priority period for Federal Work Study students has expired, a number of select on-campus jobs become available to the rest of our full-time, matriculated students and are noted as Student Hourly (SH) eligible on the online jobs database, Handshake.

Contact Student Financial Services

Keene State College
229 Main Street
Keene, NH 03435-2603

Book an Appointment with Student Financial Services
☎ 800-572-1909 / 603-358-2280
Fax: 603-358-2163

Icon of clock Hours of Operation

Walk-in support is available, we're in Elliot Center, room 107.

Monday – Friday:
8 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Closed on campus holidays.