Declare a Major
All students are urged to declare a major before they have earned 60 credits. Waiting longer may mean it takes more than four years to complete a degree.
If you didn’t get the form signed, not to worry. We have built a new form you can type to: Declaration of Major Please follow these instructions (and share with your advisor to make sure this is done correctly):
- Fill out the form. It is an editable PDF that you can type directly in. Then save as a PDF file. You will sometimes need to do this by choosing to print, and then save as a PDF.
- An advisor’s signature is required. Forward the PDF to advisor(s) for approval. Despite appearance of the form, signatures can not be applied directly to the form. Please ask the advisor to attach the form and email it to
When declaring a major, a student must choose a faculty member within the major to serve as their faculty advisor. This faculty member provides guidance to the student on academic, graduate school, and career issues. If a student does not request a faculty advisor, the chair of the academic discipline can sign the form and recommend eligible faculty members to the student.
Some majors require the completion of certain courses or a formal application for admission. All course requirements for majors are available in the academic catalog.
Have questions? Need help filling out the Declaration of Major form? Email us at or stop by Student Academic Support Services.