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Frequently Asked Questions for Mentors

What is the Academic Excellence Celebration (AEC)?

The annual AEC showcases the research, scholarship, and creative work completed by KSC undergraduate and graduate students. It gives students an opportunity to present their best academic work to a broad audience of their peers, faculty, and the public.

Who Sponsors the AEC?

The AEC is sponsored by the Academic Enrichment Program, the Keene State College Student Assembly, the Vice President for Student Affairs Office, and the President’s Office.

Why should faculty and staff encourage students to present at the AEC?

The AEC motivates students to further perfect projects they have done for a class or to work on entirely new projects that are not formally linked to any specific course. It encourages students to think about how to make their scholarly work accessible to an audience of non-specialists and gives them an opportunity to take part in an intellectual conversation on a topic of their interest.

Who can present at the AEC?

Any registered undergraduate or graduate student is eligible to present at the AEC. Alumni who graduated twelve months ago or less are also eligible. Presentations can be done individually or in small groups.

Who attends the AEC?

KSC students, faculty, parents and other family, friends, alumni, the general public, and visitors from local and regional business communities and government offices.

When and where does the celebration take place?

This year the AEC takes place on Friday, April 25, 2025. Registration for the AEC is located in the L.P. Young Student Center. Sessions are located in various buildings on campus.

What is my role as a project mentor?

Project mentors guide students throughout the AEC submission and presentation process. Mentors should work closely with students to develop and revise abstracts in the fall semester. They should also encourage students to attend one of the two information session & abstract workshops given in November. During the spring semester, mentors should meet with students regularly to provide guidance and feedback on the mentees presentation, whether it is a research-based poster or an exhibit. Students are required to attend presentation workshops in the spring. Mentors should be aware of important dates and send regular reminders and check-in emails to their mentees.

How does my mentee submit their proposal?

Students should review the abstract guidelines and use the online submission form to submit their proposals.

My students have conducted a group project. Can they present as a group?

Yes. The AEC has a group presentation format. There is no formal limit on the number of students that may comprise a presenting group; however, each student is expected to actively participate in the presentation and discussion of the project.

Can a student give a poster presentation and an oral presentation?

Yes. The student must submit two abstracts for the two different projects.

How soon can I and my mentee expect to hear from the AEC Selection Committee?

Abstract Submissions will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Final notifications will occur on Friday, February 29, 2025.

What happens after the AEC Selection Committee reviews student proposals?

After the AEC Selection Committee reviews all proposals, you and your mentee will receive an e-mail notifying you of one of the three possible outcomes.

  1. Your mentee’s proposal was accepted and will be published in the program in its present form.
  2. Your mentee’s proposal requires further work or revisions. In this case, the Selection Committee will indicate specific issues that will need to be addressed in the final draft of your mentee’s abstract.
  3. Your mentee’s proposal was not accepted. The committee will offer a brief explanation of its decision.

I have received a letter from the Selection Committee that my mentee’s abstract needs further work. When is the revised abstract due?

The revised abstract is due on Monday, March 10, 2025.

For Information About Academic Engagement

Celia Rabinowitz
Asst VP for Academic Engagement and Director of Mason Library

Patrice Wright
Senior Administrative Assistant