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Courses for Business People

This semester, Keene State offers you an array of courses in a variety of topics for career, personal, and professional development. Courses are taught at your workplace, on the Keene State College campus, online, or through a combination of online and in-class learning.

Looking to advance in your job or change it, switch careers, or brush up on skills? Keene State can help you achieve your goals.

Accounting, Bookkeeping, and QuickBooks

Financial Accounting

Introduces accounting information with an emphasis on its use in decision making by owners, creditors, managers, and government for both profit and non-profit organization. Topics include the accounting profession, double-entry accounting system, information systems, ethics, taxation, and internal control systems. Course is intended for Management majors. Prerequisites: Grade of C or higher in MGT 140 and sophomore standing, or permission of instructor. Fall, Spring.

  • MGT-213-01, 10:00AM‑11:45AM (MW). Hao Huang (Fall 2024)
  • MGT-213-02, 12:00PM‑1:45PM (MW). Hao Huang (Fall 2024)

Managerial Accounting

This course focuses on accounting information used by managers in planning, controlling operations and decision making within organizations. Topics include cost concepts and classifications, cost volume profit analysis, costing systems, and budgeting. Prerequisite: Management majors and minors only, grade C or higher in MGT 213, or permission of instructor. Fall, Spring.

  • MGT-214-01, 8:00AM‑9:45AM (TR). Hao Huang (Fall 2024)


Public Speaking

Through experience in a variety of speaking situations, students gain self-confidence in the organization of thought and self-expression. Fall, Spring.

  • IHCOMM-171-01, 8:00AM‑9:45AM (MW). Cynthia Cheshire (Fall 2024)
  • IHCOMM-171-02, 10:00AM‑11:45AM (TR). Michael McCarthy (Fall 2024)
  • IHCOMM-171-03, 2:00PM‑3:45PM (TR). Michael McCarthy (Fall 2024)
  • IHCOMM-171-04, 12:00PM‑1:45PM (MW). Cynthia Cheshire (Fall 2024)
  • IHCOMM-171-05, 12:00PM‑1:45PM (MW). Nigel I Malcolm (Fall 2024)
  • IHCOMM-171-06, 6:00PM‑7:45PM (MW). Holly R Falzo (Fall 2024)

Computer Science

Mgt Information Systems

Survey course based on the premise that information systems knowledge is essential for creating competitive firms, managing global corporations, adding business value, and producing useful products and services to customers. MIS themes may include: managing environmental systems, managing supply chains, managing human resource information systems, and managing globally dispersed teams. Prerequisites: MGT 140 and MGT 213 or MGT 215, and junior standing, or permission of instructor. Fall, Spring.

  • MGT-381-01, 10:00AM‑11:45AM (MW). Matthew D Onyon (Fall 2024)

Criminal Justice


An overview of the correctional process with an emphasis on the social, political, and economic influences upon this process. Topics to be examined include the impact of race, class, and gender on the correctional system; the uses and effectiveness of institutional placements; and intermediate sanctions and community-based programming. Fall.

  • CJS-201-01, 4:00PM‑5:45PM (TR). Rita J Augustyn (Fall 2024)


An overview of the field of criminology. The areas considered range from the definitions, origins, and extent of crime and law, to causal theories of criminal behavior, to types of crimes and victims. Particularly stressed is an analysis of the relationship between law and society and social structure to crime. Prerequisite: CJS 101, or permission of instructor. Fall, Spring.

  • CJS-240-01, 4:00PM‑5:45PM (MW). Rita J Augustyn (Fall 2024)

Amer Drug Scene: Harm Reduct

Studies in Criminal Justice. See course listings for details. Prerequisite: CJS 240. Occasionally.

  • CJS-390-01, 12:00PM‑1:45PM (MW). Angela Barlow (Fall 2024)

Finance and Financial Planning

Financial Management

Study of financial decision making based in contemporary financial theory and world economic conditions. The course will focus on financial theory and tools applicable to investing, capital budgeting, and capital structure decisions. Students are introduced to a variety of valuation techniques and to the capital markets and their influence on corporate financial decisions. Prerequisites: MGT 140, MGT 214, and junior standing, or permission of instructor. Fall, Spring.

  • MGT-319-01, 8:00AM‑9:45AM (TR). Tammy Warner (Fall 2024)

Language and Culture

Elementary Spanish I

Introduction to basic skills to communicate about personal and everyday topics, including informal conversations with native speakers, finding and reading information in newspapers and Internet sites, and exploring the contemporary Spanish-speaking world. For students with little or no prior knowledge of Spanish. Fall, Spring.

  • IHSP-101-01, 2:00PM‑3:45PM (TR). Gladys Patricia Acevedo (Fall 2024)
  • IHSP-101-02, 10:00AM‑11:45AM (TR). Gladys Patricia Acevedo (Fall 2024)
  • IHSP-101-02C, 10:00AM‑12:00PM (MTWR). Gladys Patricia Acevedo (Summer 2024)
  • IHSP-101-03, 4:00PM‑5:45PM (MW). Isabel Hernando Cabrera (Fall 2024)

Elementary Spanish II

Development of skills to communicate about personal and everyday topics, including informal conversations with native speakers, finding and reading information in newspapers and Internet sites, and exploring contemporary issues in the Spanish-speaking world. Students should have prior knowledge of basic Spanish.

  • IHSP-102-01, 4:00PM‑5:45PM (TR). Gladys Patricia Acevedo (Fall 2024)
  • IHSP-102-02C, 12:15PM‑2:15PM (MTWR). Gladys Patricia Acevedo (Summer 2024)


Introduction to Management

An examination of the principles underlying the management of organizational activities. Management theory and practice including: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling; decision making, motivation, leadership, and communication will be covered. Topics also include: globalization, technology, corporate social responsibility, ethics, conflict management, and organizational change. Fall, Spring.

  • MGT-101-01, 8:00AM‑9:45AM (TR). Taryn E Fisher (Fall 2024)
  • MGT-101-02, 10:00AM‑11:45AM (TR). Taryn E Fisher (Fall 2024)
  • MGT-101-03, 10:00AM‑11:45AM (MW). Marie C Duggan (Fall 2024)
  • MGT-101-04, 2:00PM‑3:45PM (MW). Marie C Duggan (Fall 2024)
  • MGT-101-05, 2:00PM‑3:45PM (TR). Sandierose Wallis (Fall 2024)
  • MGT-101-06, 4:00PM‑5:45PM (TR). Peter Loring Nye (Fall 2024)
  • MGT-101-07, 8:00AM‑9:45AM (TR). Christopher A Woolridge (Fall 2024)

Quantitative Decision-Making

An introduction to quantitative analysis for management to provide students with an opportunity to learn the basic concepts and the quantitative/analytical tools used in the process of decision-making and problem-solving. Prerequisite: Any College MATH course, passing grade on the Math Assessment Exam, PSYC 251, SOC 303, or IQL 101. Fall, Spring.

  • MGT-140-01, 10:00AM‑11:45AM (MW). Peter Loring Nye (Fall 2024)
  • MGT-140-02, 2:00PM‑3:45PM (MW). Peter Loring Nye (Fall 2024)
  • MGT-140-03, 4:00PM‑5:45PM (MW). Peter Loring Nye (Fall 2024)

Org Theory & Behavior

Analyzes approaches to managing modern organizations, using organizational theory to assess problems of administration in public and private organizations. Emphasizes internal structure, leadership, planning and personnel utilization problems, and external influences, bargaining and coalition formation relationships, and the nature of authority and organizational behavior. Prerequisites: Grade C or higher in MGT 101 and junior standing. Fall, Spring.

  • MGT-301-01, 10:00AM‑11:45AM (TR). David N Beaudry (Fall 2024)
  • MGT-301-02, 12:00PM‑1:45PM (TR). Sandierose Wallis (Fall 2024)

Marketing and Sales

Principles of Marketing

Study of marketing behavior of the firm as it supplies goods and services to consumers and industrial users. Optimal "marketing mix," product design, product line policies, branding, pricing, promotion, consumer behavior, and channels of distribution. Prerequisites: QL course. Fall, Spring.

  • MGT-331-01, 8:00AM‑9:45AM (TR). Ke Li (Fall 2024)
  • MGT-331-02, 8:00AM‑9:45AM (MW). Taryn E Fisher (Fall 2024)


Safety Awareness

Studies the impact of accidents, develops strategies to eliminate, mitigate accident outcomes through education and awareness. Identifies factors associated with activities at school, home, and work that result in accidents. By applying this knowledge people can make informed decisions leading to minimum risk and maximum success. Not open to Safety majors with more than 12 credits in SOHAS. Fall, spring.

  • ISSAFE-101-01, 12:00PM‑1:45PM (TR). Stephanie B Carroll (Fall 2024)
  • ISSAFE-101-02, 8:00AM‑9:45AM (TR). Jeffrey W Morel (Fall 2024)
  • ISSAFE-101-03, 10:00AM‑11:45AM (TR). Jeffrey W Morel (Fall 2024)
  • ISSAFE-101-04, 10:00AM‑11:45AM (MW). Jeffrey W Morel (Fall 2024)

Occupational Safety

The application of scientific and engineering principles to the analysis of processes, equipment, products, facilities and environments in order to optimize safety and health effectiveness. Topics include legislative overview, problem identification, control concepts, and basic engineering principles, including a review of basic geometry and mathematical calculations and conversion factors. Prerequisite: Take ISSAFE 101. Fall, Spring.

  • SAFE-202-01, 2:00PM‑3:45PM (MW). Lito Amit (Fall 2024)

Human Factors in Safety

This course will provide students with the understanding of the importance of ergonomic design and evaluation of workplaces and the work environment to enable the student to understand physiological and psychological stresses, human capabilities and limitations, and their importance in designing work spaces, processes, tools, equipment, and products. Prerequisite: Safety or Construction Safety major/minor, or Sustainable Product Design and Innovation major only. SAFE 202 or IISPDI 151. Fall, Spring.

  • SAFE-215-01, 8:00AM‑9:45AM (TR). Lito Amit (Fall 2024)
  • SAFE-215-02, 12:00PM‑1:45PM (MW). Lito Amit (Fall 2024)

Safety Standards & Regulations

Occupational Safety & Health Administration General Industry and Construction standards will form the basis of this course. Through the study of OSHA regulations, hazard identification, and methods of abatement, students will be prepared to assist employers in their efforts to manage a safety program and comply with the law. Prerequisites: SAFE 202, and CSS/CMGT/SOHAS major or SOHAS minor; or permission of instructor.

  • SAFE-216-01, 6:00PM‑9:30PM (M). Daniel James Martin (Fall 2024)
  • SAFE-216-02, 12:00PM‑1:45PM (TR). Brady M Keene (Fall 2024)

Health Hazard Identification

Reviews health hazards in industry and their effects on humans. Study of hazards involved with chemical, physical and biological stressors at work. Explores methods of hazard identification recognition and control. Prerequisites: INSAFE 213, INCHEM 100, OR INCHEM 111. Fall, Spring.

  • SAFE-305-01, 12:00PM‑1:45PM (MW). Stephanie B Carroll (Fall 2024)

Fire & Hazmat Response

An overview of the National Fire Protection Association Codes that apply to occupational exposures. The safe handling, storage, and use of hazardous materials for industrial, commercial, transportation, and public service operations are covered in detail. Fire and accident prevention measures, training, regulatory requirements, emergency procedures and response are studied. Prerequisites: INSAFE 213, INCHEM 100, OR INCHEM 111; or permission of instructor. Fall, Spring.

  • SAFE-319-01, 12:00PM‑1:45PM (MW). Jeffrey W Morel (Fall 2024)

Industrial Hygiene

This course will familiarize students with the various techniques and procedures involved in the practice of the profession of Industrial Hygiene. Course work and laboratory exercises illustrate the equipment and methodologies commonly used by Industrial Hygienists in the anticipation, recognition, evaluation, and control of occupational health hazards in today's workplace. Prerequisites: SAFE 305. Fall, Spring.

  • SAFE-401-01, 10:00AM‑11:45AM (TR). Christopher P Rennix (Fall 2024)


Product Design II

A continuation of Product Design I, emphasis is on rational methods for developing designs in team settings. Basic engineering methods of analysis are introduced to evaluate design structures and mechanisms. Alternative design options are evaluated using analytical techniques. Project planning fundamentals of time and budget emulate industrial development practices. Prerequisite: IISPDI 151 AND SPDI 121 or SPDI 221 AND SPDI 170 or SPDI 180, or permission of instructor. Fall.

  • SPDI-351-01, 12:30PM‑2:45PM (MW). Jared W Nelson (Fall 2024)


Health and Wellness

  • ISHLSC-101-01, 2:00PM‑3:45PM (MW). Kristen A Reilly (Fall 2024)
  • ISHLSC-101-02, 8:00AM‑9:45AM (TR). Margaret Jo Henning (Fall 2024)
  • ISHLSC-101-03, 10:00AM‑11:45AM (TR). Amanda M Hickey (Fall 2024)

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Office of Graduate Studies and Extended Education