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The Children Of Izieu

On April 6, 1945, one month before the end of WW II, the Gestapo from Leon, under Klaus Barbie, sent two vans to the French village of Izieu. The mission was to kill the hidden children of an orphanage known as La Maison d’Izieu. In a senseless raid, 44 Jewish children aged 4 to 17 years, and 5 adult caretakers were thrown into a van and sent to Auschwitz and immediately gassed. The people who were interviewed in this film are the last living eyewitnesses to the raid, Beate and Serge Klarsfeld, who hunted and brought Barbie to justice, and two hidden children who lived to bear witness. (HS). B/W & Color. (28 minutes.)


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Cohen Institute for Holocaust and Genocide Studies
Keene State College

229 Main Street

Keene, NH 03435-3201
☎ 603-358-2490