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Defying Genocide

Produced by the USHMM committee on conscience: Whenever genocide has occurred, individuals have risked their own lives to save others. How can their courage inspire us to defy genocide? The story of how Simone Weil Lipman was able to save thousands of Jewish children during the Holocaust is a starting point for an exploration of what it takes to defy genocide. The film focuses on Damas Gisimba, director of a small orphanage in Rwanda that was beseiged by militias during the 1994 genocide. Learn how Gisimba, with the help of American aid worker Carl Wilkens, managed to protect, care for, and save some 400 people. Additional resources available online at


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Contact the Cohen Center

Cohen Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies
Keene State College

229 Main Street

Keene, NH 03435-3201
☎ 603-358-2490