Religion, Morality, and Ethics
- Abraham And His Children: An Interfaith Dialogue
- Angels Of Austria: The Church That Reached Out To Holocaust Survivors
- As We Forgive
- Au Revoir Les Enfants
- Auschwitz: If You Cried, You Died
- Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Pacifist, Nazi Resister
- Christianity: The Second Thousand Years
- Constantine's Sword
- Desperate Hours
- Here Am I, Send Me: The Journey of Jonathan Daniels
- Heritage: Civilization and the Jews
- I am Joseph Your Brother
- Jerusalem: Center of the World
- Jews and Christians: A Journey of Faith
- Joseph Schultz
- Les Miserables
- Reputations: Pope Pius XII
- Secret Lives: Hidden Children and Their Rescuers During WW II
- Shadow On The Cross
- Sister Rose's Passion
- Sophie Scholl: The Final Days
- The Diary of Immacul'e
- The Holocaust In A Catholic Educational Setting
- The Judge and the General
- The Longest Hatred
- The Other Side Of Faith
- The Quarrel
- The Restless Conscience: Resistance To Hitler Within Germany, 1933 1945
- The White Rose
- Theologians Under Hitler
- To Know Where They Are
- View From The Underside: The Legacy of Dietrich Bonhoeffer
- Walking God's Paths: Christians and Jews in Candid Conversation
- Weapons Of The Spirit (Classroom Version)
- Why Us?
- Zegota: A Time To Remember
- Zegota: Council For Aid To Jews In Occupied Poland