Racism, Antisemitism, and Prejudice
- A Class Divided
- America and the Holocaust
- Angels Of Austria: The Church That Reached Out To Holocaust Survivors
- Antisemitism On The College Campus
- Auschwitz: If You Cried, You Died
- Behind The Mask
- Confronting Antisemitism: A Family Awareness Project
- Conspiracy
- Constantine's Sword
- Crimes Of Hate
- Der Ewige Jude (The Eternal Jew)
- From Swastika to Jim Crow
- Gentleman's Agreement
- Here Am I, Send Me: The Journey of Jonathan Daniels
- Heritage: Civilization and the Jews
- Homo Sapiens 1900: The Quest to Improve the Human Race
- Jews and Christians: A Journey of Faith
- Jud Suss
- Memories of Kristallnacht
- Never Forget
- Not In Our Town
- Prejudice: Answering Children's Questions
- Preserving The Past To Ensure The Future
- Purple Triangles
- Sister Rose's Passion
- The California Reich
- The Fight
- The Jewish Americans
- The Klan: A Legacy Of Hate In America
- The Longest Hatred
- The Master Race
- The Shadow Of Hate: A History Of Intolerance In America
- Theologians Under Hitler
- Thirty-Four Years After Hitler
- Walking God's Paths: Christians and Jews in Candid Conversation
- Why Us?
- Will Extremists Destroy The Dream?