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In Memoriam: Professor Emeritus Carroll Lehman

Carrol Lehman
Dr. Lehman with his 2016 book, From Sh-t on my Boots to Carnegie Hall: a memoir of a Pennsylvania Mennonite farm boy’s personal, spiritual, and musical journey Dr. Lehman with his 2016 book, From Sh-t on my Boots to Carnegie Hall: a memoir of a Pennsylvania Mennonite farm boy’s personal, spiritual, and musical journey

The Keene State community is saddened to hear of the death of Professor Emeritus of Music Carroll J. Lehman, 75, who enjoyed a distinguished teaching career at the College from 1978–2013. During his tenure here he conducted the Chamber Singers, Concert Choir, taught voice lessons, and directed the Opera Workshop. The Carroll Lehman Award for Excellence in Vocal Music was created in honor of his retirement, to recognize his commitment to performance, music education, and study that has been instrumental in making the KSC Department of Music a vibrant program in the state of New Hampshire.

A very passionate person who always cared deeply about his students and music, Dr. Lehman recently published a book entitled From Sh-t on my Boots to Carnegie Hall: a memoir of a Pennsylvania Mennonite farm boy’s personal, spiritual, and musical journey (2016), which tells the story of Dr. Lehman’s evolution from a Mennonite farm boy from the tough Appalachian town of Pond Bank, Pennsylvania, through his music education and remarkable performance experiences by which he became an opera singer, a conductor, and a professor.

Read Dr. Lehman’s obituary in the Keene Sentinel.

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