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Distinguished Career in Education Now Includes Hall Of Fame Honor For Dr. James Chesebrough

Story By:
Paul Miller | Director of Strategic Communications and Community Relations
Dr. James Chesebrough
From left: Dr. Sandra Howard, Dr. James Chesebrough, and KSC alums Sean Meagher ’12, and Amy Buonpane ’18.

Keene State faculty emeritus Dr. James Chesebrough is the newest New Hampshire Music Educators Association (NHMEA) Hall of Fame member in recognition of his distinguished and difference-making professional career.

Dr. Chesebrough became a tenured member of the College’s music faculty in 2007 but enjoyed more than 50 years in music education.

Past association presidents and the immediate president, who serves as chair, make up the selection committee. A two-thirds vote is needed to earn induction to the Hall of Fame. The state association aims to promote and develop music educators and advance music creation, performance, and literacy.

Dr. Chesebrough came to Keene State after one year as Visiting Music Director of the Yale University Bands. In 1998 the New Hampshire Band Directors’ Association honored him as their “Outstanding Band Director of the Year,” and in 2014 the National Federation of State High School Associations, which promotes and showcases performing arts, with its Outstanding Music Educator award, named Chesebrough its Outstanding Music Educator.

He received his bachelor of music education degree from Heidelberg College in Tiffin, Ohio, and his master of music and doctor of musical arts degrees in conducting from the University of Connecticut. For 26 years he was a band director at public schools in Ohio and New Hampshire.

Dr. Chesebrough’s wife of 51 years, Connie, is a celebrated pianist and former faculty member at Plymouth State University.

Among those who spoke about Dr. Chesebrough at the Hall of Fame recognition gala was former colleague Dr. Sandra A. Howard, Professor of Music at Keene State. She shared a timeline of Dr. Chesebrough’s full and accomplished career, from aspiring high school trombonist to band director in one of Cincinnati’s largest school districts to a move to the White Mountains region of New Hampshire to embark on “20 years filled with music-making, community building, and service at Linwood High School as band and jazz band director, show director, and music teacher.”

Not to mention, she noted, Dr. Chesebrough’s decade at Keene State, where he was Coordinator of Instrumental Music Education, applied low brass, conducting, and director of the Concert Band. And, ultimately, where he earned faculty emeritus status.

“He made lasting connections everywhere he went,” Dr. Howard said. ”You notice this as people say hello to him from across town, or when an alumnus invites him to their wedding or a golf outing, or during instrumental clinics he still travels to so he can further support a former student.”

Service to his profession, including a term as the NHMEA president; longtime service and leadership in the New Hampshire Band Directors Association (NHBDA); clinician, adjudicator, and active trombone performer are but a few more of the other chapters in his “amazing career,” Howard said.

In closing, Dr. Howard asked attendees to stand if they have been a student of Jim, an ensemble member with Jim, performed alongside Jim in a school or community setting, served with Jim in the NHMEA or NHBDA, have hired Jim as a clinician or guest conductor, or survived a day of skiing or a round of golf with Jim.

It was an easy way to bring the crowd to its feet.

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