Tori Tucker ’17: Writer, Musician, Activist

If you’re an English/Writing major as a Keene State undergrad, you probably plan to do some serious writing someday. If you’re recent grad Tori Tucker ’17, you’ve already done plenty.
She wrote a novella, The Life and Times of Judith Fletcher, when she was living in Holloway Hall as a first-year student. “The idea for the story came to me in the form of a dream one night while I was home over winter break,” she explained. “I woke up at 3 a.m. and started writing immediately. When I finished, it was almost daylight, and I had the first two chapters scribbled into my school notebook.”
A pretty impressive accomplishment. Who’d she write it for? “I rarely write any of my stories with anyone in mind other than my characters. I write for them because I can feel that they want their stories told.” Spoken like a true creative writer.
She’s also an intern with, where she and her girlfriend, KSC student Emma Simpson ’18, write for an LGBTQ column Tori started, “The Gay Agenda.” They both plan to continue working with InDepthNH over the summer.
With creativity to spare, Tori is also a music minor, and she’s been very involved with the German program at Keene State. “Last year I spent any free time I had working to keep the German minor program in place by starting the petition group ‘Wir Sind Keene State’ (‘We Are Keene State’) with some fellow language students,” she said. “This activist work actually helped me to get my internship with InDepth.”
And what else is over the horizon, now that she’s graduated? “I hope to continue to write and publish more books. (I already have another in the works.)”