Registration Opens for KSC's "Kids on Campus" Summer Program
KEENE, N.H., 5/2/07 - Keene State College’s Continuing Education and Extended Studies announces that registration is open for Kids on Campus.
The program, combining fun and learning, proved so popular in its 2006 debut year that Keene State expanded the program for first graders through ninth graders and added a third week.
Kids on Campus runs three weeks: June 25-29, July 9-13, and August 13-17.
Beginning Japanese; learning about insects, rocks and minerals, and trees and the animals living in them; learning to play steel drums; model airplane building; storytelling; fly-fishing; and creating a slide show are among more than 40 classes offered. Sessions, running a half day, either from 9 a.m. to noon or 1 to 4 p.m., are taught by teachers from local schools, KSC faculty, and other experts. Sessions are suggested for first through third graders; fourth through sixth graders; and seventh through ninth graders.
Some classes require students to bring specific items to each class, including the first day. Others require dressing in loose-fitting clothing, wearing clothes that wash easily, or using sharp implements. Specifics are noted in the course descriptions.
Parents walk students to the classroom and pick them up from that same location. Parents supply snacks and drinks for break time and lunch for students staying a full day. KSC staff meets all-day students after morning class, accompanying them to the lunch area before walking them to afternoon classes. All breaks are supervised.
The weekly cost is $150 per half day and $250 per full day. Students receive a free T-shirt. Register by June 1 to pay an early bird registration fee of $125 for a half day or $200 for a full day.
Kids on Campus details and registration is available electronically ( or by requesting a brochure from Keene State College, Continuing Education, 229 Main Street, Elliot Hall, Keene, NH 03435; 603-358-2290. Brochures are also available in the information rack outside the office.