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Letter to Parents

September 12, 2001

Dear Parents and Family Members:

In the last 24 hours, our world has changed. In this time of grief and outrage, Keene State College is acutely aware of its responsibility to assist students with understanding and coping with what has happened. Our mission to support teaching and learning has never felt more urgent than it does today.

The College has encouraged students, faculty and staff to come together in a variety of ways to discuss what is happening – in classes as well as in informal gatherings and forums organized for this purpose. Our counseling staff is available to students around the clock, and the Student Development Office is providing support for students who need to miss classes, including those being called home or into military service. Dr. Andrew Robinson, Associate Dean for Student Affairs, will continue to be the contact for students requiring this support as well as for parents with special concerns or who require assistance contacting their son or daughter. His office number is (603) 358-2842.

We are taking other steps as well, including special communications with our students who are studying abroad and reminding everyone of our ideals of respect, tolerance and caring. We know that we will be called upon to respond to yesterday’s tragedy for a long time and in yet unforeseen ways, and these ideals must guide our actions. Like most colleges and universities, we are an international community, and we will be vigilant that no students feel threatened or isolated by others.

We will continue to support members of the community in responding to these horrific events, and we will do so as long as support is needed. We will communicate with our students as new information is received and additional events are planned. You are encouraged to monitor the College’s web page for specific information (

Our hearts go out to those who have suffered in this tragedy and we extend our sympathies to their families and friends.


Stanley J. Yarosewick


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Keene, New Hampshire 03435