Summer Institutes for Educators Abound
KEENE, N.H. 5/1/03 - Educators may continue their own education this summer at Keene State College, which offers numerous institutes on such topics as the No Child Left Behind legislation, what’s new in children’s literature, web applications in the classroom, and effective language arts instruction. Other courses deal with differential instruction in the classroom, classroom strategies for children with behavioral issues, and middle school transition. These institutes for educators are held on weekends or run for one week throughout the summer.
There are 10 courses available during the first six-week summer session, May 19-June 27, with 13 institutes scheduled during the second session, June 30-Aug. 8. All institutes provide teachers with an opportunity for professional development and offer graduate credit that can be applied to school district requirements. A newsletter detailing summer courses for educators is available by mail, and education courses are listed at To receive the educators’ newsletter or to register for courses, contact the KSC Continuing Education and Summer Session Office by phone at 603-358-2290/1-800-KSC-1909, by email to continuing-, or on the Internet at
Following is a sampling of courses for educators available this summer at Keene State. All courses are offered for three credits, unless otherwise noted.
What’s New in Children’s Literature examines books that have been published in the last 10 years with a focus on books published in the last five years. Genres covered include traditional literature, modern fantasy, modern realism, historical fiction, biography, information books, and poetry. Ways of using the books across the curriculum will be shared. A unit incorporating recent books is the major project. David White and Timothy Belt co-teach the course that meets Friday and Saturday, May 30 & 31, June 6 & 7, 20 & 21. Friday classes meet from 5 to 9:30 p.m. and Saturday sessions run from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Middle School: Transition and Orientation explores the issues and challenges of adolescents transitioning to middle school and the orientation of new students and families to the middle school and community. This one-credit course meets Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, June 23, 25, and 27, from 4:30 to 9 p.m.
Two courses explain President Bush’s “No Child Left Behind” mandate, the short title for the 2001 Elementary and Secondary Education Act.
No Child Left Behind (Overview) covers the shift in how federal monies are being allocated to support local control of schools and how local decision making can fit into the legislative requirements surrounding testing each student every year, new certification requirements for professionals and paraprofessionals, and other unfunded mandates from the federal government. This course meets Monday through Thursday, June 30-July 3, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
No Child Left Behind (Implications) builds on the overview course’s focus areas, although it is not essential to have attended the first week in order to gain useful and practical guides to accessing No Child Left Behind money. This course explores the many options to use the various funding levels created to further the stated goals of this omnibus legislation. The course meets Monday through Friday, July 7-11, from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Web Applications for the Classroom and Distance Learning is a Blackboard class for undergraduate students (preservice teachers) and graduate students (in service teachers). Peer coaching, mentoring, and supervisory skills via technology will be investigated. The course meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays from July 1 to Aug. 7, from 6 to 9:20 p.m.
Fundamentals of Effective Language Arts Instruction examines teacher-tested ideas, resources, and activities that promote a lifetime love of reading and writing in students. This course meets Monday through Friday, July 7-11, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Differentiated Instruction in the Classroom assists teachers to develop strategies to design classrooms that address the needs of every learner. This seminar is designed to stimulate thought and provide an opportunity for shared reflection among educators. The course meets Monday through Friday, July 14-18, from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Classroom Strategies for Children with Behavioral Issues assists classroom educators in effectively mediating between their primary role as facilitators of learning and their roles as coordinators of positive group dynamics in the classroom. This course takes a proactive, methodical, fun-filled approach in addressing current issues that undermine the relationship between effective teaching/learning and a safe and congenial classroom environment. This course is scheduled Monday through Friday, July 21-25, from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.