Reserving the Alumni Center
Space may be reserved on a first-come, first-reserved basis. Priority will be given to College events involving alumni, the Advancement Division, the President’s Cabinet and campus departments and organizations.
To submit a formal reservation request please e-mail with the following information:
- Desired Facility (Alumni Center, etc.)
- First and Last Name
- Day of Event Contact Phone Number
- Event Name/Type
- Anticipated Event Attendance
- Requested Event Date(s)
- Requested Event Time
- KSC Affiliation, if any
Groups interested in reserving space should contact the Conference Services Manager at (603) 358-2359 regarding availability and rates.
The Alumni Center Facility Coordinator may deny any and all Alumni Center privileges to any individual or group in the event of violation of the Alumni Center policies or procedures.
Reservation Timelines
In order to ensure that College functions take priority, requests for the use of Norma Walker Hall will be accepted and confirmed up to, but no more than, six months in advance for internal groups, and up to, but no more than, three months in advance for non-College related or external groups.
All reservations for the Hall are requested to be made with at least one month’s notice. Priority access for reservations is given to regular College and/or Alumni Center functions based on the College calendar. Requests received with less notice will be accommodated if possible.
Requests for use of the Conference Room should be received at least one month prior to the date of the event. Requests received with less notice will be accommodated if possible.
No event sponsor may transfer its reservation to another organization nor may space reserved for an approved program be used for another purpose than stated without the approval of the Alumni Center Facility Coordinator.
An organization must notify the Conference Services Manager at (603) 358-2359 of the cancellation of an event at least five business days prior to the event.
- If an organization or department has a pattern of not meeting this requirement, it may lose its right to schedule space in the Alumni Center.
- Groups who fail to cancel at least 5 business days prior to scheduled event will forfeit their 50% deposit.
- Repeated failure to cancel events within this time frame will result in denial of future bookings of space in the Alumni Center.
Please be sure to reference the complete guidelines for use of the Alumni Center.