Obtaining Print Materials in Alternative Formats
The Office of Disability Services (ODS) will provide print materials in alternative formats for students who have a documented disability that verifies the need for such academic accommodations. Alternative formats include but are not limited to e-texts and large print. Most textbooks are converted into a digitized format depending on the student’s needs and uploaded to the student’s Microsoft OneDrive account for access. ODS will try to honor the student’s preferred format to the best of our ability.
Students must submit an Alternative Text Request form at least 6 weeks prior to needing the materials. Due to the nature of obtaining and converting print materials, this window of time is essential in assuring materials will be ready for the beginning of the semester. All students needing this accommodation also have priority in registering for their courses, assuring the possibility for a timely request for materials for the next semester.
The request form can be submitted on our Alternative Text web page. ODS will attempt to remind students through an e-mail message about the timeliness and process for requests. However, it is ultimately the student’s responsibility to submit requests in the specified time frame each semester.
Students who utilize alternative formats for print materials must also abide by the following:
- Students may use the electronic copy of the printed material solely for his or her own educational and nonprofit purposes.
- The student is not permitted to copy the file to distribute to others. The alternative text is not to be loaded onto a publicly accessible website or distributed in print or electronic format for commercial or non-profit use.
- The digital file is not to be modified in any way.
- Each qualified student must sign the request for alternative text form confirming that he or she has purchased a print copy of the text and that he or she will comply with the policy restrictions as indicated in this document.
8/12/22 HMS