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Mandated Safety Assessment Policy

  1. Mandated Safety Assessment (MSA) Policy
  2. Identifying Students at Risk for Self-Harm
  3. Determining When To Refer

Mandated Safety Assessment (MSA) Policy

The primary purpose of this policy is out of concern for the health and safety of our students and thus to respond to serious psychological episodes or health-related behaviors that put students or others at risk including (but not limited to) potentially lethal suicide attempts, significant acts or threats of violence to self or others, chronic eating disorders, dramatic and/or expansive displays of self-mutilation, behaviors that are significantly disruptive to the KSC community and/or diminish the ability of a student to care for themselves. All students identified by the Dean of Students and/or their designee(s) must complete a Mandated Safety Assessment (MSA) which may include (but not limited to) a mental health assessment with a Counselor and/or a physical assessment with a Nurse Practitioner at The Wellness Center. These assessment sessions may determine the level of self-harm, potential harm to others in the community, assist students in developing a safety plan, and provide students with resources. All students who have reached a defined threshold must comply with the Mandated Safety Assessment or face serious sanctions, including but not limited to parental notification, loss of housing, blocked registration or deregistration, or an Administrative Leave of Absence.

Identifying Students at Risk for Self-Harm

College faculty and staff, including (but not limited to) Community Assistants, Community Directors, Orientation Staff, Student Life Administrators, Coaches and others, will be trained to recognize the behaviors associated with self-harm and, in particular, the signs of suicide.

Individuals concerned about a student should complete the CARES Referral

Determining When To Refer

All students who have made public statements and/or taken action to hurt oneself or others (i.e. suicide attempt) should be referred. If there is any doubt about whether the student has met the requirements for referral or not, the concerned person should fill out the CARES Referral. The referral will be reviewed by the Dean of Students and/or their designee(s) to determine whether it reaches the threshold for a Mandated Safety Assessment. Concerned individuals are also encouraged to consult with the Dean of Students and/or staff of The Wellness Center to determine whether to complete the CARES Referral. If this is an immediate emergency contact Campus Safety or dial 911.

About this Policy

Mandated Safety Assessment Policy
Ownership: Dean of Students, Marney Buss
Last Modified: Jul 8, 2022 –
Categories: Student Support
For questions regarding this policy, please contact the policy owner.
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