Community College of Rhode Island
Keene State recognizes transferable credit for 199 courses at Community College of Rhode Island.
Transfer courses are evaluated in one of two ways, either they are equivalent to a specific course at Keene State College, or they are accepted as general equivalencies. Academic departments have the final say as to acceptance of credits you wish to apply toward major degree requirements and can help you determine the acceptability of your courses.
Don't see your courses below? Keene State may still recognize your credits – email us or call 603-358-2500 to speak with an academic advisor.
Course | Credits | Equivalent |
ACCT 1010 Financial Accounting |
4.00 | Management General |
ACCT 1010 Financial Accounting |
4.00 | MGT-213 Financial Accounting |
ACCT 1020 Managerial Accounting |
4.00 | MGT-214 Managerial Accounting |
ARTS 1001 Introduction to Visual Arts |
3.00 | IAART-188 Art ISP Elective |
ARTS 1010 Drawing I |
3.00 | ART-125 Drawing I |
ARTS 1020 Color |
3.00 | Art General |
ARTS 1200 Intro to Literature |
3.00 | IH English General |
ARTS 1330 Survey of Ancient Art |
3.00 | Art General |
ARTS 1510 Art Hist: Ancient to Medieval |
3.00 | Art General |
ARTS 1630 3-D Mixed Media |
3.00 | Art General |
ARTS 1650 Ceramics I |
3.00 | ART-208 Ceramics I |
ARTS 1710 Graphic Design I |
3.00 | Art General |
ARTS 1810 Photography I |
3.00 | Art General |
ARTS 1820 Photography II |
3.00 | Art General |
ARTS 1850 Digital Photography I |
3.00 | Art General |
ASTR 1010 The Solar System |
4.00 | INASTR-101 Introduction to Planetary Astronomy |
ASTR 1010 The Solar System |
4.00 | IN Astronomy General |
ASTR 1020 The Stellar System |
4.00 | Astronomy General |
BIOL 1001 Intro Biology: Organismal |
4.00 | Biology General |
BIOL 1002 Intro Biology: Cellular |
4.00 | Biology General |
BIOL 1005 Biology in Modern World |
4.00 | IN Biology General |
BIOL 1005 Biology in the Modern World |
4.00 | INBIO-101 Topics in Biology |
BIOL 1010 Human Anatomy |
4.00 | Biology General |
BIOL 1030 General Biology-Botony |
4.00 | Biology General |
BIOL 1040 Gen Biology - Zoology |
4.00 | Biology General |
BIOL 1070 Human Anat & Phys |
3.00 | Biology General |
BIOL 1200 Human Health & Disease |
3.00 | Biology General |
BIOL 2040 Human Sexuality |
3.00 | Health Science General |
BUSN 1010 Introduction to Business |
3.00 | MGT-188 Business MGT Elective |
BUSN 1040 Personal Finance |
3.00 | II-292 Personal Finance & Public Pol |
BUSN 1060 Leadership Development |
3.00 | Management General |
BUSN 1060 Leadership Development |
3.00 | MGT-188 Business MGT Elective |
BUSN 1130 Principles of Advertising |
3.00 | Management General |
BUSN 2030 Principles of Marketing |
3.00 | Management General |
BUSN 2050 Principles of Management |
3.00 | MGT-101 Introduction to Management |
BUSN 2060 Principles of Marketing |
3.00 | MGT-331 Principles of Marketing |
CHEM 1000 Chem Our Environment |
4.00 | Chemistry General |
CHEM 1020 General Chemistry I |
4.00 & 1.00 | CHEM-111 General Chemistry I & General Chem. Lab I |
CHEM 1030 General Chemistry I |
5.00 | INCHEM-111 General Chemistry |
CHEM 1100 General Chemistry II |
4.00 & 1.00 | CHEM-112 General Chemistry II & General Chem. Lab II |
CHEM 1180 Health Science Chemistry I |
5.00 | Chemistry General |
COMI 1100 Intro to Computers |
3.00 | CS-101 Intro to Computer Information Processing |
COMI 1420 Intro Sprdshts - Excel |
1.00 | Computer Science General |
COMI 1452 Intermediate Windows |
1.00 | Elective General |
COMI 1761 Intro Use of Internet |
1.00 | Computer Science General |
COMI 1910 Desktop Publ/PC-Pagemaker |
1.00 | Computer Science General |
COMM 1000 Foundations in Video and Audio |
4.00 | IAFILM-150 Introduction to Digital Video Production |
COMM 1005 Careers and Academic Success F |
3.00 | IHCOMM-101 Careers & Professional Comm |
COMM 1010 Communication Fundamentals |
3.00 | IHCOMM-101 Careers & Professional Comm |
COMM 1050 Mass Media Foundations |
3.00 | IHJRN-101 Media & Society |
COMM 1100 Oral Communication I |
3.00 | IHCOMM-171 Public Speaking |
COMM 1110 Voice and Articulation |
3.00 | IHCOMM-188 Communication ISP Elective |
COMM 1400 Social Media Communication |
3.00 | IHJRN-240 Social Media Fundamentals |
COMM 2000 Media Writing |
3.00 | IHJRN-130 Media Writing Fundamentals |
COMM 2025 Interpersonal Communication |
3.00 | COMM-275 Interpersonal Communications |
COMM 2050 Media and Broadcast History |
3.00 | IHJRN-188 Journalism ISP Elective |
COMM 2200 Documentary Production |
3.00 | IAFILM-188 Film ISP Elective |
COMM 2221 Multimedia Reporting |
3.00 | JRN-230 Multimedia Reporting |
COMM 2310 Sound Design and Production |
3.00 | IAFILM-188 Film ISP Elective |
COMM 2490 Field Experience |
2.00 | JRN-188 Journalism Elective |
COMM 2500 Portfolio Capstone |
2.00 | JRN-188 Journalism Elective |
CSCO 1850 Networking Technology |
3.00 | Computer Science General |
ECON 2010 Prin of Economics I |
3.00 | ECON-201 Macroeconomics |
ECON 2030 Prin Microeconomics |
3.00 | IS Economics General |
ENGL 1000 Seminar on Student Success |
1.00 | Elective General |
ENGL 1002 Reading and Study Skills |
3.00 | English General |
ENGL 1005 College Writing |
3.00 | ITW-101 Thinking and Writing |
ENGL 1010 Composition I |
3.00 | ITW-101 Thinking and Writing |
ENGL 1020 19 Century Amer Lit |
3.00 | ENG-290 Topics |
ENGL 1030 British Literature I |
3.00 | IH English General |
ENGL 1040 World Lit to 16th Century |
3.00 | English General |
ENGL 1050 Fundamentals Writing |
3.00 | English General |
ENGL 1200 Introduction to Literature |
3.00 | IHENG-195 Introduction to College English |
ENGL 1210 Film As Literature |
3.00 | English General |
ENGL 1220 Introduction to Poetry |
3.00 | IHENG-195 Introduction to College English |
ENGL 1230 Modern Literature |
3.00 | English General |
ENGL 1250 Read in Short Story |
3.00 | ENG-290 Topics |
ENGL 1260 Reading in Shakespeare |
3.00 | English General |
ENGL 1270 Contemporary Drama |
3.00 | English General |
ENGL 1280 Dramatic Literautre |
3.00 | English General |
ENGL 1410 Business Writing |
3.00 | IHENG-195 Introduction to College English |
ENGL 1430 Creative Writing |
3.00 | IAENG-204 Creative Writing |
ENGL 2010 Composition II |
3.00 | English General |
ENGL 2015 Comp II Liberal Arts |
3.00 | English General |
ENGL 2020 20 Century Amer Lit |
3.00 | ENG-290 Topics |
ENGL 2040 Wld Lit Frm 16th Cent |
3.00 | ENG-290 Topics |
ENGL 2200 Children's Literature |
3.00 | English General |
ENGR 1020 Introduction to Engineering & |
3.00 | SPDI-188 General SPDI Elective |
FREN 1000 Basic Spoken Fren I |
3.00 | French General |
FREN 1010 Elem French 1 |
3.00 | French General |
FREN 1030 Elem French I 3 - Hr |
3.00 | French General |
GEOL 101 Gen Geology (phys Geol) |
4.00 | GEOL-201 Introductory Physical Geology |
GEOL 1010 Introduction to Geology - How |
4.00 | INENST-201 Earth Cycles & Systems |
GEOL 1020 The Earth Thru Time |
4.00 | IN Geology General |
HEAL 1000 Intro Health Careers |
3.00 | Health Science General |
HIST 1010 Survey of Western Civilization |
3.00 | IHHIST-141 The West in the World |
HIST 1020 Surv Western Civil II |
3.00 | HIST-142 Western Civilization II :1500-Present |
HIST 1210 History U S to 1877 |
3.00 | HIST-161 Topics in United States History I |
HIST 1220 History U S From 1877 |
3.00 | HIST-162 Topics in United States History II |
HIST 2240 U.S. History 1919 - Present |
3.00 | History General |
HIST 2260 Survy Asian Civilization |
3.00 | History General |
HMNS 1010 Introduction to Helping and Hu |
3.00 | SOC-234 Introduction to Social Work |
HMNS 1060 American Sign Lang I |
3.00 | Special Education General |
HMNS 1070 American Sign Language II |
3.00 | Elective General |
HMNS 1210 Field Exp & Sem I - Child Dev |
3.00 | Education - EDUC General |
HMNS 1220 Fld Exp & Sem I/Ed-Sp Needs |
3.00 | Education - ESEC General |
HMNS 2060 Foundations of Teaching and Le |
3.00 | EDUC-121 Issues in Elementary Education |
HMNS 2070 Char & Needs Special Populat |
3.00 | Education - ESEC General |
HMNS 2100 Child Growth & Dev Skills |
3.00 | Education - ESEC General |
HMNS 2110 Intro Soc Work/Welfare |
4.00 | Sociology General |
HMNS 2150 Parent & Child Relations |
3.00 | IS Psychology General |
HMNS 2170 Learning Disabilities |
3.00 | Education - ESEC General |
ITAL 1000 Basic Spoken Ital I |
3.00 | Italian General |
LAWS 1000 Intro Law Enforcement |
3.00 | Elective General |
LAWS 1010 Criminal Law |
3.00 | IICJS-101 Introduction to Criminal Justice Studies |
LAWS 1020 Administration Justice |
3.00 | Criminal Justice Studies General |
LAWS 1030 Criminalistics I |
3.00 | IDSM Interdisciplinary Sc/Ma General |
LAWS 1040 Criminalistics II |
3.00 | Criminal Justice Studies General |
LAWS 2000 Constitutional Law |
3.00 | Political Science General |
LAWS 2010 Law of Evidence |
3.00 | Criminal Justice Studies General |
LAWS 2030 Criminal Law & Constitution |
3.00 | Criminal Justice Studies General |
LAWS 2040 Law & Society |
3.00 | Criminal Justice Studies General |
LAWS 2050 Law of Contracts |
3.00 | Criminal Justice Studies General |
LAWS 2070 Law Busn Organization |
3.00 | Criminal Justice Studies General |
LRCT 1020 College Success |
3.00 | Elective General |
MATH 1005 Business Mathematics |
3.00 | MATH-188 Math Transfer Elective |
MATH 1025 Introduction to College Mathem |
3.00 | IQL-101 Quantitative Literacy |
MATH 1139 Mathematics for Liberal Arts S |
3.00 | IQL-101 Quantitative Literacy |
MATH 1175 Statistics for the Health and |
3.00 | MATH-141 Introductory Statistics |
MATH 1200 College Algebra |
4.00 | MATH-111 Applied College Algebra |
MATH 1200 College Algebra |
3.00 | Mathematics General |
MATH 1240 Statistical Analysis I |
3.00 | MATH-141 Introductory Statistics |
MATH 1420 Intro College Math |
3.00 | Mathematics General |
MATH 1430 Math for Liberal Arts |
3.00 | Mathematics General |
MATH 1450 Development of Number Systems |
3.00 | MATH-171 Structure of Number Systems |
MATH 1700 Algebra for Technology |
3.00 | Mathematics General |
MATH 1900 Pre-Calculus Math |
4.00 | MATH-130 Precalculus |
MATH 1920 Calculus II |
4.00 | MATH-152 Calculus II |
MUSC 1010 Foundations in Music |
3.00 | IAMU-103 Fundamental Music Skills |
MUSC 1060 Music After 1750 |
3.00 | IA Music General |
MUSC 1160 Introduction to Music |
3.00 | IAMU-104 Listening to Music |
MUSC 1165 History of Rock |
3.00 | IAMU-216 History of Rock & Roll |
MUSC 1170 Music Human Services & Ed |
3.00 | IA Music General |
OCEN 1010 Intro to Oceanography |
3.00 | Geology General |
OCTA 1000 Intro Occupational Thrpy |
3.00 | Elective General |
OFAD 1160 Basic Keyboard Mastery |
2.00 | Elective General |
OMI 8025 Intr Animtn Soft |
1.00 | Elective General |
PHED 1440 Lifeguard Training |
1.00 | Physical Education General |
PHED 1450 Lifeguard Training Review |
1.00 | Physical Education General |
PHED 1610 Essen of Physical Fitness |
3.00 | Physical Education General |
PHED 1620 Adv Phys Fitness & Wellness |
3.00 | Physical Education General |
PHED 1630 Weight Trn & Sprt Cond I |
2.00 | Physical Education General |
PHED 1640 Weight Trg Sprt Cond II |
1.00 | Physical Education General |
PHED 1650 Weight Trg Spr Cond III |
1.00 | Physical Education General |
PHED 1660 Weight Trg Spr Cond IV |
1.00 | Physical Education General |
PHED 1670 Athletic Perf Enhancement |
3.00 | Physical Education General |
PHED 1700 Prvntn Care Ath Injurs/Frst |
3.00 | Physical Education General |
PHED 1720 Real Coaching |
3.00 | Physical Education General |
PHED 1730 Sport & Recreation Operations |
3.00 | Physical Education General |
PHIL 1010 Introduction to Philosophy |
3.00 | PHIL-290 Special Topics |
PHIL 2020 Philosophy of Religion |
3.00 | Philosophy General |
PHIL 2030 Ethics |
3.00 | IHPHIL-220 Ethics |
PHIL 2040 Logic |
3.00 | PHIL-100 Logical Argumentation |
PHYS 1000 Physical Science |
4.00 | Physics General |
POLS 1000 Intro Govern-Politics |
3.00 | IS Political Science General |
POLS 1010 American National Government |
3.00 | Political Science General |
POLS 1030 State & Local Government |
3.00 | ISPOSC-211 State and Local Politics |
PSYC 1030 Psych Personal Adjust |
3.00 | Psychology General |
PSYC 1050 Psychology in Workplace |
3.00 | IS Psychology General |
PSYC 1970 Human Relations Sem - App |
3.00 | Psychology General |
PSYC 2010 General Psych |
3.00 | PSYC-101 General Psychology |
PSYC 2020 Social Psychology |
3.00 | PSYC-221 Social Psychology |
PSYC 2030 Developmental Psych |
3.00 | Psychology General |
PSYC 2070 Educational Psych |
3.00 | Psychology General |
PSYC 2090 Adolescent Psychology |
3.00 | Psychology General |
PSYC 2120 Found of Psyc Research |
3.00 | Psychology General |
PSYC 7002 Psyc Ind Study-Honors |
2.50 | Psychology General |
PSYC 8000 Student Success |
1.00 | Elective General |
PSYCH 2010 General Psychology |
3.00 | PSYC-101 General Psychology |
RTS 1020 Color |
3.00 | Art General |
RTS 1650 Cereamics I |
3.00 | ART-208 Ceramics I |
SOC 1010 General Sociology |
3.00 | SOC-201 Introductory Sociology |
SOC 2020 Marriage and Family |
3.00 | Sociology General |
SOCS 1010 General Sociology |
3.00 | ISSOC-125 Introduction to Sociology |
SOCS 2020 Marriage and Family |
3.00 | ISSOC-188 Sociology ISP Elective |
SOCS 2300 Criminology |
3.00 | SOC-220 Criminology |
SOSC 1010 Socilogy |
3.00 | SOC-101 Introductory Sociology |
SOSC 2050 Social Problems |
3.00 | SOC-225 Social Problems |
SPAN 1000 Basic Spoken Spanish I |
3.00 | Spanish General |
SPAN 1010 Elemen Spanish I |
3.00 | Spanish General |
SPAN 1020 Elem Spanish II |
3.00 | Spanish General |
SPAN 1030 Elementary Spanish I |
3.00 | Spanish General |
SPCH 1100 Oral Communication |
3.00 | IHCOMM-171 Public Speaking |
THEA 1090 Introduction to Theatre |
3.00 | TAD-105 Foundations |
THEA 1140 Acting I |
3.00 | TAD-201 Acting I |
THEA 1150 Theatre for Children |
3.00 | Theatre and Dance General |
USN 1040 Personal Finance |
3.00 | Management General |
USN 1130 Advertising Principles |
3.00 | Management General |
[HEDD 1440 Lifeguard Training |
2.00 | Physical Education General |
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