University of Montana
Keene State recognizes transferable credit for 31 courses at University of Montana.
Transfer courses are evaluated in one of two ways, either they are equivalent to a specific course at Keene State College, or they are accepted as general equivalencies. Academic departments have the final say as to acceptance of credits you wish to apply toward major degree requirements and can help you determine the acceptability of your courses.
Don't see your courses below? Keene State may still recognize your credits – email us or call 603-358-2500 to speak with an academic advisor.
Course | Credits | Equivalent |
ANTH 2205 Comparative Social Organi |
3.00 | Anthropology General |
ANTH 260 Initro Physical Anth |
3.00 | Anthropology General |
BIOL 120 General Botany |
3.00 | Biology General |
C&I 160 Lrng Strat Higher Ed |
2.00 | Elective General |
COMM 240 Comm in Small Groups |
3.00 | Communication General |
COMM 241 Persuasive Communication |
3.00 | Communication General |
CRT 112T Operating Systems - NET/ACN |
4.00 | Computer Science General |
CRT 126T Networking Fundamentals |
4.00 | Computer Science General |
CS 111 Computer Literacy |
3.00 | Computer Science General |
CS 171 Communicating Via Computers |
3.00 | Computer Science General |
CS 181 Electronic Publishing WWW |
3.00 | Computer Science General |
DAN 104 Ballet I - Continuing |
2.00 | Theatre and Dance General |
DAN 107 Jazz Dance I - Continuing |
2.00 | Theatre and Dance General |
DAN 204 Ballet II |
2.00 | Theatre and Dance General |
DAN 207 Jazz Dance II |
2.00 | Theatre and Dance General |
DRAM 111 Acting for Non-Major I |
3.00 | IA Theatre and Dance General |
DRAM 111A Acting for Non - Majors I |
3.00 | IA Theatre and Dance General |
GEOG 335 Water Policy |
3.00 | Geography General |
GEOL 106 History of Life |
3.00 | Geology General |
GEOL 106N History of Life |
3.00 | Geology General |
GRHY 141 Geography of World Regions |
3.00 | ISGEOG-101 World Regional Geography |
HC 396 Service Learning / Honors |
6.00 | Elective General |
LAT 101 Elementary Lati I |
5.00 | Latin General |
LIT 211 American Lit Since 1965 |
3.00 | IH English General |
MUS 132L History of Jazz |
3.00 | MU-218 The History of Jazz |
MUS 133L Hist of Rock & Roll |
3.00 | MU-116 History of Rock & Roll |
PSYC 100 Intro to Psychology |
4.00 | PSYC-101 General Psychology |
SOC 275S Gender and Society |
3.00 | Sociology General |
SOCI 221 Criminal Justice System |
3.00 | Sociology General |
SOCI 438 Delinquency Prevention |
3.00 | Sociology General |
SW 100 Intro Social Welfare |
3.00 | Sociology General |
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