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Conceptual Framework Themes

Theme 1

Explore the dynamic nature of the teaching and learning process

Teaching and learning occur in many settings and are influenced by developmental, social, cultural, economic, and personality variables including teacher candidates and students. Teacher candidates, therefore, utilize multiple differentiated instructional strategies, implement authentic assessment approaches, reflect on the success of each learning experience and their contribution to that experience, and develop a deep understanding of developmentally appropriate practices that contribute to the teaching and learning process.

Teacher candidates participate in various authentic Birth to grade 12 ( B-12) field experiences in order to facilitate the development of knowledge, skills, and dispositions to address the learning needs of diverse populations. Careful planning, reflection, and the ability to take risks and try new approaches support the growth of successful educators who are lifelong learners.

Theme 2

Demonstrate professional and ethical behaviors that meet high expectations and standards

Faculty and cooperating professionals strive to model ethical behavior, facilitate reflective practice, and encourage advocacy for the benefit of children, their families, and the educational system. Therefore, understanding the role of teachers and other professional school personnel as educational leaders, acceptance of the need to foster good communication skills, cooperation and collaboration with families, students, and colleagues, and experiences with conflict resolution strategies are all fundamental to professionalism.

Knowledge and acceptance of personal responsibility for one’s actions, respect and empathy for others, a clear understanding of the legal mandates and moral obligations of the profession, and the ability to implement ones’ values in the real world are all important components of ethical behavior. Faculty and cooperating professionals support candidates as they develop their ability to clearly articulate standards, to construct their own knowledge, to assess progress toward meeting those standards, and to reflect on personal and professional growth.

Theme 3

Understand the world through multiple perspectives

The demographics of the KSC student body and of the region in which we are located do not yet reflect the diversity of the United States and of the world. Therefore, we are especially committed to guiding our candidates to develop an understanding and respect for all people and cultures, and for the impact of globalization on our educational systems.

The concept of multiple perspectives includes knowledge of the diversity of learning styles and abilities, personal cultural, and economic backgrounds, historical and philosophical approaches, and the contexts in which these differences interact. We live in an increasingly pluralistic society where awareness of and reflection about multiple perspectives serves to enrich our experiences and support the development of critical thinking toward equity and justice. It is important for educators to possess the capacity to promote understanding of how contemporary issues and world events influence B-12 students, their families, and the environments in which they work and learn.

Theme 4

Contribute to a just and equitable world

Teaching and educational systems are impacted by global, political, social, economic, and cultural change. Therefore, teachers and other professional school personnel, who have significant influence and impact on their B-12 students, must emphasize the importance of embracing the political nature of education, developing a sense of service to the community, and working to become advocates for all learners and their families. When educational professionals see themselves as citizens of the global world who work for inclusion, diversity, and access of opportunity for all learners, they model the importance of developing respect for each other as unique humans and affirm individual viewpoints and experiences. We strive for transformative experiences that motivate our graduates to advocate for their students, their communities, and the world.

Contact Educator Preparation

To learn more about Educator Preparation Programs at Keene State College, please contact the Educator Preparation Office or Education Program Faculty.

Educator Preparation Office
Rhodes Hall, N123 and N128
229 Main Street

Keene, New Hampshire 03435