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Major Gifts

From Ken Goebel, Development:

It’s my pleasure to share that the college has received three major gifts this week. First, Jan Cohen has given $1,800 to the KSC Fund in honor of Interim President Jay Kahn’s long and exemplary service to Keene State College. In addition, Jan gave $1,800 to the Cohen Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Nona Fienberg. Jan is a longtime generous friend of the college and currently chairs the Advisory Council of the Cohen Center and sits on the President’s Council.

The second donation was from the estate of Barbara Peterson ’48 who created a charitable remainder unitrust back in the ‘90s. The college now has a new endowed scholarship funded with $52,110 from this trust fund. The scholarship will support KSC students who are education majors. Sean Gillery worked with the trustee on the distribution of this fund. We are grateful for those alumni and friends who look ahead and choose to name the college in their estate plans. Generally this allows a donor to provide gifts that are far greater than their usual annual gifts while also being able to provide support to family members. Good planning makes a difference!

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Sarah Kossayda
Director of Marketing
☎ 603-358-2119