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Student Credit Maximum Shifts

From Fanny Kelley, Student Financial Services:

When Keene State College transitioned from a three credit course model to a four credit course model, a temporary change was made to the number of credits that a student could take at the full-time tuition rate. The college allowed students to take up to 20 credits at the full-time tuition rate; anything over 20 credits was considered an overload of credits and was billed on a per-credit basis based on residency. This temporary maximum credit load (within the full-time tuition price) of 20 credits will change to 18 credits beginning in the spring 2013 semester. Students enrolled in 19 or more credits will be charged for those overload credits at the in-state tuition rate per credit, regardless of where the student resides.

This change to an 18-credit maximum will help to ensure that resources are being paid for by students who use them, and it will help to balance student workloads, encouraging students to get the most benefit from their academic experience at Keene State.

Contact Marketing & Communications

Sarah Kossayda
Director of Marketing
☎ 603-358-2119