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“Songs of Hope and Resistance from the Holocaust”

From Therese Seibert, Sociology:

On Thursday, December 10, Stephanie Hurley will present “Songs of Hope and Resistance from the Holocaust” in the Lantern Room of the Student Center from 10:30 to 11:45 a.m.

Music served many functions for those interned in concentration camps and ghettos during the Holocaust. These songs speak of the experiences and feelings of those persecuted during the Holocaust: the suffering and hope, shared experiences, daily news, resistance, unity, and entertainment. Supplemented by a PowerPoint slideshow, Stephanie will describe the historical context and personal stories behind each song. Stephanie’s clear and emotive voice expresses the pain as well as the hope of the victims and brings a deep sense of connection to another place and time.

Singer Stephanie Hurley is an accomplished vocalist in many genres of music. She graduated with honors from Keene State College in May 2003, receiving a Bachelor of Music in Vocal Performance and a Bachelor of Arts in Music History. This performance is an extension of her research conducted at the Cohen Center for Holocaust Studies at Keene State College, for which she was awarded the 2003 Hildebrandt Award.

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