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KSC Contributes 142 Thanksgiving Baskets to Community

From the Thanksgiving Basket Committee:

This year’s Thanksgiving Basket Drive was a success that touched the hearts of many local families. Students, student organizations, departments, faculty, staff, and even a local bank prepared 111 baskets with personal touches.

In addition, an astounding amount of additional food items were donated: six large boxes of winter outerwear for men, women, and children and boxes filled with toothbrushes, toothpaste, floss, stuffed animals, coloring books, crayons, household supplies, and so much more. Again this year, the young daughter of a KSC family wanted her birthday guests to bring one unwrapped toy to go to the children of the Community Kitchen. With a generous amount of cash donations, we were able to provide for an additional 31 WIC families for a total of 142 baskets! It is truly a reflection of our campus community that for 24 years we have worked together to contribute to so many people during the Thanksgiving holiday.

This year’s event was a success due to extraordinary teamwork, generosity, and efforts by many. Volunteers included 45 students from a variety of Greek and student organizations, along with over 26 faculty and staff from all corners of our campus community.

We are grateful to the local vendors who added an assortment of coupons and items for distribution to the Community Kitchen. Be sure to say “thank you” to these participating vendors and friends: Children’s Dental, Chili’s Restaurant, Delta Dental, Jack’s True Value, Dr. Peter Welnaks’s office, First Book Reading Program, Friendly’s at the West Street Shopping Plaza, Hannaford Supermarket, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Price Chopper Supermarket, the Richmond Family, Shaw’s Supermarket, St. James Thrift Shop, Studio H Hair Salon, Supercuts, Toadstool Bookshop, Uptown Salon, Wal-Mart, Yankee Lanes Bowling, and Sylvania/Osram.

We would like to extend our most sincere thanks to the _Equinox _for their support of our ads, Sodexho for supplying refreshments as well as baskets, the KSC Bookstore for their contributions along with two boxes full of baby food, the Physical Plant for their pickup and delivery services - and 14 baskets - as well as those individuals who initiated the collection for their departments. Amazing. Thank you!

Contact Marketing & Communications

Sarah Kossayda
Director of Marketing
☎ 603-358-2119